Wait- What?

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'I did not have time for this.' I thought as I sat in my car staring at what looked almost like a replica of Mike from Monsters, Inc who stared back right back. His one lilac eye barring into my two tired storm grey ones. The bright blue sky behind him shadowed his features reminding me that it was still early, well ish I knew I would be at least 30 minutes late for work at 10am at this rate.

The Mike look-alike slowly began to open his mouth, his pointed yellow teeth emerged, slimy Silvia slivered down, dropping on the window separating us. He almost looked like an oversized green begging puppy I thought sleepily giggling. As his mouth continued to open the condensation began to form on the window hiding him from site. Only his dark shape against the sky could be seen, the thumping of his heartbeat felt on the car, the scraping of his claws on the bonnet.

I shook my head the tiredness being swept out, I had to get to work now, if I did not well let's just say it will not be pretty. Snorting as I thought about last time I was late and how annoyed my boss became, I looked up back though the glass. The dark shape of 'Mike' was gone.


Since when did monsters exist? I peered through the condensation, they don't, I reminded myself. What the hell did I just witness then, I may have been tired but so was my imagination, my brain is now where near functioning enough to be able to produce such a cool experience so early in the morning. In fact, it barely is able to when I am awake!

Slouching in my seat I considered my two possible solutions now. Either I am amazing, and my brain is having a weirdly good day, or the more likely of the two I forgot to watch the news and missed the creation of monsters. Yeah, I probably the latter I decided, oh well at least my boss cannot be mad, I mean I would like to see them try to get past Mike.

I looked down at my phone to check the time only to see a message from my boss.

'If you're not here in the next 20 minutes your fired'

Oh no, I sniggered, what a shame, good thing the drive is only 10 minutes away, I thought. They can not get rid of me that easily. I looked back at the text. Sent 4 hours ago. I looked back at the time which now read 2pm.

I screamed. Loud.


I jumped out of the car turning back to my house, foods more important than a job anyway I decided. You can always get another job, but you can never miss a missed meal once time passes its passed. Wow I am so deep today I laughed.

I looked up at my old worn warm brown door, strange how it seemed to have worn out so quickly, I have barely used it!

As I pushed it open, I frown why wasn't it closed. And why was that alarm sounding? 

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