Favourite colour

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Heres' a poem I wrote, I'm not really sure if it counts as a poem but hey it was fun :)


I never had a favourite colour,

People used to ask, and I would say I'm not sure.

Then one day I decided red.

I meant the scarlet red,

Dramatic, Daring, Bold

That kind of red.

The colour of a mauled artery or rubies at dusk.

People never seem to get that though,

When they thought red the thought of a child's colouring book red,

A red heart emoji, a red pen crossing out work.

They miss the spontaneity; miss the depth I love in the shade.

And yet that still is not my favourite colour.

How can it be?

People love every colour of the rainbow,

The blue from a shard of ice,

The green in a fleck of nature,

The brown of rich coffee grains,

Yellow of honey melting in the sun,

Purple the hue of twilight across water.

And I was no different, how could I choose one?

I love the beauty of the colours I can enjoy for a moment.

The colours that bleed from the sky each evening,

The wisps of threading light in the morning.

That moment when the sky breaths,

The clouds glowing from the inside,

Their presence in the sky greater than the sunk sun.

That's my favourite colour,

When the clouds breath in light,

Almost glowing with that one shade.

Impossible to describe and changing every second and yet that one, that's my favourite.

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