Power Cut

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Suddenly, without warning there was a power cut.

Grumbling I stared down at my history homework, darkness smothered the worlds in the inky blackness, just my luck I thought the one time I was home alone and being productive of the lights go out.

I pushed away from my desk with my wheelychair and jumped onto my bed. I guess it could wait then, I looked up at the skylight which was above my bed the night sky framed behind it. The stars now visible looked like giant splotches of white paint against a black Canvas, they seemed to dance, swaying in the moons warm glow. The trees which had previously been hidden now looked almost enchanted in the silvery glow. I smiled as the moon's light caressed my face gently whispering its night time lullabies. 


A cool breeze swept over me, the heating had turned off i assumed. Gooses bumps tickled my arms, trailing my half dozing form.  I pulled my eyes open to try and find the blanket on my bed. But i could not the darkness pressed against my eyes, shadows of what used to be clothes and a chair stalked towards me, hunting in the dark. The light above me shone harshly, the moon hidden behind the gnarled trees, the stars cold and unmoving. 

The goose bumps no longer crawled over me, they tunnelled deeper, making my stomach churn and breaths feel loud.


Something hit my closed door. Slowly, i watched as it slowly swung softly open. I froze. My heart beat hammered in my ears. I was home alone. Wasn't I? 

Something jumped on my bed, its feet landing as it pranced nearer. My eyes snapped shut, my body froze, my breathing seemed abnormally loud. I felt the thing near my face. I breath brushed my face warming my nose.

Carefully I slid my eyes open. I stared into a pair of glowing yellow eyes, and they stared right back, the pressure on my chest their body on mine.

Suddenly it began to purr. I felt the relief flow through me, my heart which had been hammering in my throat seemed to physically slide back to its normal rhythm in my chest. The goosebumps flattened from my skin, it was just my cat. I was home alone but with my cat, the relief jumbled the thoughts in my head, only my cat, i was going to be ok.

I settled back down, the warm body of my cat pressed securely into my side, her fearless purrs keeping away the dancing shadows. I looked back up at the sky, the window the only thing separating me from the stars.

As i focused on the glass, i watched as the condensation on the outside of the glass evaporated away into the cool dry night air. I frowned, only a breath makes condensation like that.  


Well what do you think?

That was my exam piece I wrote for my mock!

Not my best I think  but I managed to get 24/30 on it,

 Any advice?? 

My teachers oh so helpful gave my 2 ticks then gave it back, not so much help 😂 

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