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CHAPTER FIVEcigarette hideaways
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THE REST OF THE SCHOOL DAY was just fine, i made friends with my chemistry lab partner and she seemed a bit chatty, but very nice. i looked for neil any chance i could, but i didn't see him anywhere. i wondered if  he even went to this school, or if it was maybe just too big for me to realize he went here.

i was walking home, eager to quickly finish my homework so i could tell uncle john about my "tortuous" day.

but before i went back home i went to a gas station close to school and picked up a carton of cigarettes. i was dying to get some so i could smoke when i was alone. i knew no one had seen me in the gas station and quickly shoved them in my pocket. i tried to leave the store as fast i possibly could without looking like i had just stolen something.

i quickly walked the rest of the way home so john wouldn't get suspicious. but even if he did, i would just say i got lost on my way back. i barged through the front door, and john was already back, i could tell from the truck parked in the driveway and the shuffling upstairs.

i rushed, practically ran, so john wouldn't see me. i went up the stairs and into my room, i put my things down on my desk and sat down on the chair in front of it.

i finished the few first-day assignments i had. a french paper introducing myself and my history paper that should be set up like an autobiography. once i was done i walked back over to my bed.

then i sat down and looked around my room. it still looked boring. i put the marlboros into my top drawer, underneath my socks. they now joined the lighter that i had so-stealthily taken from a side table back home.

after my nervousness settled i made a made a mental note to get some flowers or something later for my plain room. it took me a moment to realize how nervous i was getting over nothing, and that i had never gotten this nervous when i was hiding cigarettes from my parents.

then, i realized i wasn't nervous about the cigarettes.

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AT DINNER THAT NIGHT, i told john all about my first day, except the cigarettes of course. he told me about some of his day, and about his students. i couldn't help but subtly bite the inside of my cheek when he said he had a student with the name neil.

so, i didn't rush out tonight. we had a nice conversation, and i even let him get my plate this time.

"i took them out in the hallway, and told them about the phrase carpe diem,"

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THE NEXT MORNING was similar to the one before. i got ready, said good morning to john and walked outside.

the ground was hard like it usually is on chillier days and i couldn't help but think about the snowfall that would come in less than a few weeks.

i would have to spend the holidays away from home for the first time. but i would be fine with that. a stuffy christmas party with an average guy who my parents obviously wanted me to later get engaged to was nothing to be excited about. i also hadn't spent a christmas with uncle john for so long, that i knew i would be perfectly fine with it just being us.

a few cars passed by again and i could see my school a few more sidewalk panels down. i walked up the stairs to my english class. the bell rang, she took attendance and we stood for the pledge of allegiance.

"with liberty and justice for all." the class finished, sitting back down. mrs. bowers started her lesson. i tried to look focused and be polite instead of doing what i wanted to do. gouge my eyes out with the pencil in my hand. i was totally going to make fun of the english curriculum to john.

"english literature makes sense of the world through author's writing." she states, repeating what we settled on yesterday.

now she told us to open our books and listen for what our assignment would be. i grabbed a piece of paper to write it down. we had to take an example of american literature and explain to her what it means. i thought this seemed like a simple enough task, so i was confused by the agonizing sighs on the other side of the class. the bell rang after i picked out a piece to write about.

i went to chemistry and it was a very long explanation, i scribbled down notes along the way. a few classes later, i had lunch. i sat with a group of decently kind girls. i didn't like the way they spoke, but at least they let me sit with them. i wanted to find other people who i could go to everyday. unlike these girls, i wanted someone i would just click with. enjoy being around.

a few moments later, a boy from another table came over and started talking to one of the other girls. i could tell by his greeting that they were obviously in a relationship. they instantly starting a conversation and ignored the rest of us.

i looked at him. he was a big, burly jock, and i don't know why anyone like her, would ever get together with him. the bell on the other side of the lunchroom rang and we all started to file out.

"bye..." she started, arm in arm with her boyfriend.

"faye." i said with a small smile, finishing for her. i would sit alone tomorrow. i went to my french class and sat down in the same seat as yesterday. a few phrases were written on the board and i pulled out paper to write them down.

i adored french class, and i listened as she started talking about accents and stopped after a daydream interrupted my conscious.


i didn't know if i would ever see him again. and i don't even know if i wanted to. what if he was a total jerk, like the guys my parents wanted me to get together with?

the idea of him could end up being the more exciting choice. him just being a daydream would have to be just fine with me.

✉️: ꒰ 𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐬 ꒱ؘ ࿐ ࿔*:・゚
filler chapter. :o

𝐖𝐈𝐋𝐃𝐅𝐋𝐎𝐖𝐄𝐑 . neil perryWhere stories live. Discover now