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"NO." john tried to explain for the fifth time, "she's not coming out of her room."

mumbling on the other side of the line.

"no, i will not make her."

now, shouting on the other side of the line.

"okay, okay, i'll try." he put the phone down and let out a sigh. he hadn't had a conversation with faye in almost two days. he tried to get her to eat, but she just wouldn't budge. one thing that faye's parents couldn't rap around their thick skulls was that he wanted to do the same. he wanted to sit on the floor and cry, but he couldn't. he had to show her that it would be okay, even though he was sure himself that it wasn't.

he climbed up the steps and knocked on the door.



"faye, i have to talk to you. i know you're hurt, i am too. please talk to me, we might understand each other." he pleaded from the other side of the wood barrier.

a rustling noise. tap. tap. click. and the opening of a door.

she still stood over the man, even though her posture was slumped. her face was splotchy. something she had always had since she was a little girl. she looked thinner, even if it had only been two days. her eyes were shiny and her hair slightly matted.


she hugged john and cried into his shoulder. it felt like years passed by before he could ask her how she felt. and when he did, faye was surprised. she didn't think anyone cared, nor did she have the security of knowing what would happen next.

they stood in the doorway and talked. and cried. john told faye about what had happened at welton afterwards. charlie had been expelled, and he had been fired. the desks. the boys standing on their desks made her cry. she wasn't there for it, and that made her cry even more. she missed neil badly and wished that he hadn't gone. she wanted to be mad at neil and everyone, but she just couldn't bring herself to be.

"faye, your parents have called." he started, "and they wanted me to tell you that-"

he looked at her sad expression. she might not be able to take anymore bad news.

"they want you to go home."

she was still crying, but silently now. she stared at john and wondered why things had to be this way.

"but, she said i would stay until summer." the girl desperately said, in a quiet voice.

"i know."

"how long do i have?"

"a week."

she continued to cry, and when john started to feel bad for his neice, he had to turn away. he left the room when he was sure she was okay for the moment.

when he left to call back his sister, she sat on the floor and cried. she took out her pack of cigarettes and a box of matches. her lighter had stopped working.

she smoked and smoked until the taste of them made her sick. then she thought of neil. and suicide. and when she was sure john wasn't watching, she rushed across the hall to the bathroom and puked. she did this until it was night time. john asked if she wanted to eat dinner, and she said no.

charlie, todd, and knox came over the next morning, but faye was asleep with an empty pack of cigarettes in her hand. he tried again later, and she let them in. she didn't speak and she was sure something was wrong at this point, but she had nothing to say.

𝐖𝐈𝐋𝐃𝐅𝐋𝐎𝐖𝐄𝐑 . neil perryWhere stories live. Discover now