To Err is Human, to Forgive is Divine

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Thick grey clouds of smoke could be seen at the ceiling of the station when the red locomotive drove in slowly. Despite the fume and the crowd of people, the bright signal colour showed them, where they needed to be. Harry felt like in a distant dream; never he had expected to drive once again with the Hogwarts Express yet here they were in London at King Cross, on train station 9 3/4. The new Headmistress of Hogwarts School of witchcraft and wizardry, Professor McGonagall, had made it to her goal to count the last year differently and to nourish the new fragile peace in the upcoming year. A proper school operation had been impossible throughout the war; students had been actively harassed if not prevented from their education altogether.

Many older students were granted to take their OWLs and NEWTs at the ministry. Yet also a lot of them lacked in their studies to be able to pass them in the first place. Muggle-born students, for example, had been far too busy to survive the genocide and had also been banned from Hogwarts. The best solution was to put years together, which meant Ginny was presently in one year with Harry and Hermione. Just another reason for him to see his return to Hogwarts negatively. Hermione, however, argued how his fame shouldn't be the sole reason why he'll get any job later. And he had to admit, she was right, the magical community was very flighty in their opinions about him. Who knew and in a few years they'll see in him no hero, but someone who stole his way into the ministry rather than by a well earned accomplishment, starting with his NEWTs?

Harry never wanted to be part of any favouritism by getting his NEWTs awarded like a trophy because he had defeated Voldemort. That all aside, a return to Hogwarts allowed him also a slow, albeit hurtful new beginning in a magical Britain without Voldemort. All the memories of their time at the school before the war had begun, they would have to face. But also reminded of everyone they had lost. Coping with the traumatic events in a secure, private place together with friends who felt similar was, if one asked Hermione, the healthiest way. Harry would much rather forget the war and the still open wounds all over his soul, yet they had come to an agreement, and he was adamant in keeping it and while at it, make her realise, being married to him wasn't that terrible after all.

They were standing with their luggage overly on time, waiting for boarding the train. The Grangers had decided to stay in Australia, neither Harry nor Hermione was surprised. Darwin was a beautiful city. The temperatures weren't that extreme for Australia as Harry had learned due a lengthy visit of the museum and art of the northern territory. Nearby they had everything one could dream of: breathtaking beaches, several national parks and active cultural life. Hermione and Harry had helped her parents to blend their real identity with the life they already had built. It was just a matter of magic. Here and there a few well-placed spells and everyone knew them by their real name. For the first time in decades, Jane and Josh could take their time and consider what they wanted to do for a living after they had given up their jobs and ownership of Prais dentist care back in London before their daughter obliviated them. In Australia, they were known as real estate agents and free to decide whether they wanted to keep it that way, to return into their old profession or do something entirely different. Thus turned the weeks, Harry and Hermione, spend in Darwin to a very relaxing experience and had allowed them to forget the difficult situation they were in.

Here, back in London, at the station, everything seemed to crash again on them. After their agreement, neither of them had mentioned the marriage or disownment while in Down Under. Harry looked with an unnerving feeling forward to the train ride, what if they got into a confrontation with Ginny, would the whole argument start a new?

"Are you coming?" Hermione's voice interrupted Harry's musing.

She already had a foot on the first step, apparently waiting for him. In a hurry, he was about to grab one of the handles from the luggage next to him, when it started to move all on its own.

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