Meeting the Rookies

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Chapter 1
Kevlar's POV

Of course I would be late to meet the rookies. I had gotten held up arguing with Max about how much we should be trusting the new technology Erudite was bringing in, and had missed them jumping. I wandered all over the compound trying to hop in on Four's tour, but never found them.

I was muttering incoherently to myself as I entered the cafeteria. One of my rookies from last year bumped into me, and backed away as quickly as he could. I smirked as I moved on. He was one of the best of last year. The first one to pick up the fact that the smartest thing to do when I was in a mood is the stay clear.

I spotted Four sitting with two girls I have never seen before. I rolled my eyes. Great. My brother's first day of his first year as an instructor and rookies already have crushes on him.

I walked over and sat down across from the three of them. "Sorry I was AWOL. Got into a very long discussion with Max. Who are the rooks?" I said grabbing a burger.

"This is Christina and Tris. Tris was the first jumper and Christina is a stereotypical Candor smart mouth." Four replied without even glancing up from his food.

I raised my eyebrows. "The first jumper was a Stiff?"

"Why does everyone need to say that?" Tris burst out.

I raised my hands. "Just a little surprised. This kind of thing is rare hon, like Haley's comet or something. Nice to meet you. I'm Kevlar, one of your instructors. The last to meet you it appears. My apologies. I prefer to meet my rookies as soon as they drop from the sky."

Christina's faced morphed from mildly offended to amused. "Do you always talk this much?"

"Are you always such a smart aleck?" I fired back.

"Yes she does. And if you get her in her normal state she talks way faster too." Four said, flashing me a small grin before slipping back into his tough guy mode.

"Do you guys know each other well?" Tris asked.

We all stared at her.


"It's just a weird question Tris. And the answer is yes. He's my brother."

Christina choked on her water. "You two are brother and sister?"

"How is this surprising?"

"You just seem so different from each other. He's quiet and you haven't shut up since you sat down."

"Trust me Rookie. We are very similar. And I can see the question bouncing around inside your head. I'm two years older than him."

Any further bonding was interrupted by the most annoying sadist on the planet walking in.

Christina leaned in. "Who's that?"

Four answered her. "Eric, one of the Dauntless leaders."

"But he's so young."

I answered that. "Sweetheart, age doesn't matter here."

Eric came over and say down at our table next to Four. Being his usual abrasive self offered no greeting, but still found a way to challenge our politeness.

"Aren't you going to jntroduce me to the new initiates ?" He asked nodding toward Tris and Christina.
"Tris, Christina." Four said, gesturing to each one in turn.

"A Stiff. We'll see how long you last." He said giving Tris a stare down. I was about to intervene when his attention shifted. "So Four, what have you been up to lately?"

He shrugged. "Nothing, really."

"Max says he's been tying to meet with you, but you never show. He's asked me to find out what's going on."

"Tell him I'm satisfied with the position I currently hold."

Eric's eyes lit up in a way that says he's personally interested in this information. The context tells me he's evaluating a new threat. Lovely.

"So he wants to give you a job?"

"So it seems."

"And you're not interested?"

"Haven't been for years."

"Well let's hope he gets the point." Eric says clapping Four in the shoulder. It takes all my willpower not to roll my eyes. I can tell by the rookies' faces that his facade isn't even fooling them.

"I'm looking forward to another round of training with you Kevlar." He said with the most fake smile you have ever seen in your life. Then he finally left.

"Are you guys friends?" Tris asked.

"We were in the same initiate class. He transferred from Erudite." Four answered.

"And I trained them."

"Were you transfers too?"

Well crap. She can do math. Four and Eric in the same class means both transfers. I'm his sister which means if one of us is a transfer the other one is too.

I froze, but Four didn't miss a beat. Though he did turn on his inner ice queen. "I thought I would only have trouble with the Candor asking too many questions. Now I've got Stiffs too?"

"Must be because you're so approachable. Like a bed of nails."

I like this girl. She's got spunk.

Four tries to stare her down. She didn't look away. Man, this girl has guts. Four refuses to let it be a draw. "Careful Tris."

Zeke breaks the stare down by calling Four over. I get distracted by Tori waving me over to her seat. I leave for five minutes tops and return to find the two of them laughing like a couple of Amity members.

"What's so funny?"

Christina recovered first. "Rookie stuff. You probably won't care."

I smiled. "Well thank you for sparing me. Now pass me a couple of those cookies."

Hey, so this idea popped into my head after rereading Divergent. There's a lot of fics where Four has a younger sister, but I haven't found any where he has an older one so I decided to make one. Please let me know what you think. Also I only own Kevlar and any others I make up as I go along (I'll mention them as they pop up) everything else belongs to Veronica Roth.

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