Murder on My Mind

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Chapter 5

"I'll pair up the fights today." Eric said as he entered the training room.

I nearly choked on my doughnut. "What?"

"You heard me." He said standing in front of the board.

"May I ask why?" I said.

"I want to give the initiates a chance to prove their worth. You know, what you told me to do." He said innocently.

I read the pairs he set up. They seemed fair until I got about halfway down the board. Tris against Peter.

I grabbed Four's arm and dragged him toward the door. "Be right back Eric. Need a quick sister to brother conversation."

As soon as we got into the hallway Four shook me off. "What was that about?"

"I have a very serious request that you have to grant because I am your favorite sister."

"You're my only sister."

"Same difference."

"What do you want?"

"I need you to help me hide a body."

He didn't even blink. "As much as I would like to have Eric gone I'm not going to let you kill him."

Before I could say any more the rookies started walking past us.

"We'll talk later." Four said before following them in.

"Talk about what?" Peter asked.

"Hiding your body after we strangle you." I said calmly. "If you wish to avoid this fate you can do so by shutting up."

By the time Molly and Edward were done I was ready to explode. Partly from my own concern and partly due to Four's tension.

Molly pulled herself from the floor. Once she was clear Tris and Peter stepped up. She looked scared out of her mind. He looked way to happy with the situation.

And of course he was taunting her. "You okay there Stiff? You look like you're about to cry. I might go easy on you if you cry."

Tris looked at the three over us over Peter's shoulder. I looked her in the eye and gave her what I hoped looked like an encouraging smile.

Peter put his guard up. "Come on, Stiff. Just one little tear. Maybe some begging."

I saw her eyes harden. Now we're in business. All she needs to do now is channel that anger into the fight and mini-Eric is toast. She kicked him in the side. Well, she tried. He caught her foot knocking her to the floor.

As soon as she stood up Eric decided to stir them up. "Stop playing with her. I don't have all day."

Peter dropped his act and punched her square in the jaw. She went down. He started kicking her. I moved to break the up and then she managed to stand. He grabbed her hair and got her in the nose, and the in the ribs. He shoved her to the floor. She comes up again and catches him only to get driven to the floor again by a blow to the ear.

Four couldn't take it anymore. He made some kind of excuse to Eric that I couldn't hear and left. I don't blame him. If someone I had feelings for was going through this I wouldn't be able to stand by and watch.

Peter kicked her in the side, and she screamed. My blood ran cold. It was a high grating sound and it was not a good thing. One it showed that she's reached her pain threshold and was close to blacking out. Two, it was the last thing you want to do in a fight being observed by Eric.

"Enough!" I shouted. He didn't stop.

I bolted forward and pulled him away from her, positioning myself between them. I glanced at her long enough to note she was unconscious but breathing. Then I refocused on him. "When I say stop, you stop." I snarl.

"You aren't the leader here."

"I'm the most experienced instructor here. And I prefer my initiates alive and not seriously injured. If you had kept going you could have killed her, and we don't take kindly to those who kill members of their own faction."

He didn't reply.

"Go to the dorm now. And unless you feel like getting what you just gave, stay there until dinner."

"What? Am I grounded now?"

"No. I'm protecting you from me."

As soon as I got back from taking Tris to the infirmary training continued. Four returned. Will beat Christina, and Al went down after one hit from Drew and stayed down until Eric called the fight.

After dinner I went to see Tris in the infirmary and ran into Will, Christina, and Al leaving. "Hey guys. How is she?"

Christina answered. "Alive, but very beat up. How can you watch that and not jump in?"

"With great difficulty. I do what I can guys. But there are some things I can't challenge Eric on. I can only do damage control. But I promise you nothing will ever get close to this."

They just nodded and moved on. Great my rookies don't trust me.

I poked my head I the door. "Knock knock. If you don't want to speak to me I understand. Just say the word and I'll go sulk in my apartment."

She managed a small smile. "Come on in."

I sat next to her bed. "I'm sorry. I should have broken it up sooner."

She didn't say anything.

"I've been afraid of Eric hurting people I care about. Which stupid because those people can take care of themselves. I'm done with that. Shifting back into Mama Bear mode. Do things my way and screw everyone else. I guess what in trying to say is, don't give up. You are what Dauntless needs not Peter. And I hope you don't hate me because I think we could become pretty good friends."

"You really think I could be Dauntless?"

"Don't doubt yourself girl. That was your first fight. You have time to learn and recover."

I stood up to leave. "You're leaving already?"

"You need to rest so you can get back on the floor. And I need to tell Max that Eric needs to either be removed from my training room or to respect my choices. And after Max tells me to suck it up and deal with things I need to go talk to my therapist, aka my brother."

I turned back when I reached the door. "And Tris, they're looking for any weakness to pick at. Don't let any show."

I didn't get to talk to Max. He must have heard and made himself scarce. I found Four standing outside my apartment. I didn't say anything until we were both inside. "Brother mine, I'm losing my mojo."

"More like you just have a bad case of paranoia."

"She's fine by the way. A little bruised up but I'm sure she'll be back on the floor tomorrow. I just know you were dying to ask."

He nodded and dare I say blushed a little. Then immediately switched topics. "What's your big plan to rise from the ashes?"

"Eric doesn't get a word in edgewise anymore. I call the shots. And if he challenges me I kick his ass like I did two years ago."

He laughed. "That is the terrifying badass sister I know."

"Now in all seriousness, do you think I can get away with killing Peter?"

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