Visiting Day

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Chapter 10

Today was Visiting Day. Only two visiting days in Dauntless have ever freaked me out. My first one, and the one of the year my brother joined. I spent the entirety of both days waiting to see is my past would follow me here. Today I was nervous. I didn't think my past was going to come back in the flesh, but it might get drudged up if Tris's family comes. Not that I think it's a guarantee they will. Abnegation and Dauntless work better if they ignore each other. They think we're crazy, we think they play it too safe.

I went to the Pit and it was already filled with families. Mainly Dauntless, but a few Canodrs and Erudites stood out from the crowd. I spotted Christina with who I assumed were her mother and her younger sister. She spotted me and waved me over.

I grinned and walked over to them. "Hey."

"Mom this is one of my trainers, Kevlar."

"Nice to meet you." Her mother said holding out a hand to shake.

"Your  daughter is something else."

"She said she thought she was doing well."

I smirked. "She's not bad, might do better if she would ever stop talking though."

Christina mocked hurt. "Hey!"

"You don't need to say every little thing that crosses your mind Rook."

"I don't."

"Well then keep the filter on because heaven help us if you don't."

We continue joking for a couple of minutes. Then out of the corner of my eye I spot my brother talking to Tris and her mother. So she did come. "Excuse me." I said backing away and weaving through a few rambunctious younger siblings to get to them.

"...I know a few things about Dauntless initiation, and I was worried about her." Tris's mom was saying as I approached them.

"You shouldn't worry." Four said to her.

"And he's not just saying that to make you feel better." I said casually leaning my forearm on Four's shoulder. "I'm Kevlar, one of the other transfer instructors."

"I'm Natalie, Tris's mother." She said holding out her hand.

I raised an eyebrow before returning the handshake. Abnegation don't do that.

"You both look familiar for some reason."

I tensed and felt Four tense underneath my arm. We both stood a little straighter. Four spoke before I could think of anything to say. "I can't imagine why. I don't make a habit of associating with Abnegation."

I dropped my arm to elbow him in the ribs. "If you'll pardon my language, my brother's people skills are shit. What he means to say is we don't spend a whole lot of time Abnegation, so you must be mistaken."

Natalie seemed unfazed by either one of us. She just laughed and said, "Few people do these days. I don't take it personally."

We chilled a bit, not much though.

"We'll leave you to your reunion then." Four said dragging me out of the room.

He didn't speak or let go until we were in my apartment. "Bro, I get that what her mom said freaked you out. I scared me too. But that exit was anything but casual."

"What if she made the connection?"

"Sounds like she way halfway to it. But who is she going to tell that will cause us any damage? Here husband? There's nothing he can do to damage what we've built here, not that I think he would want to."

"You're not the least bit concerned?"

I kicked my shoes off and pulled off my socks before stretching across my couch. "All my paranoia is currently being spent on Eric. Seems more logical seeing as he hates out guts, has a leadership position in Dauntless, and will have no problem letting our secret spill if it will help him get even higher above us."

He didn't respond.

I rolled my eyes and snagged the book I had sitting on the end table. Virals by Kathy Reichs. The first in a really old series. We're talking from before the war that set up this whole system. One of the few things that marks me as different that I let show. I have a strong love for and fascination with books and music from way back before the war. Other Dauntless think I'm nuts, but they humor me when I start going on and on about the latest development in whatever story I'm reading, or force my new favorite song upon them.

Taking the hint he headed to the door. Before leaving he glanced at my left foot and asked, "That's what Tori did yesterday?"

I gave him a "duh" look.

"Want to tell me what it's supposed to mean?"

I flipped a page. "It's the logo for a pre-war band. I've forced some of their music upon you. If I recall you said it was 'not bad' which was you're way of saying you liked it,but didn't want to admit it that I was right when I said you would."

He grinned. "Ah yes, what were they called." He stared at my tattoo pretending to recall. I knew what was coming next. He knew. He just wanted to find the most ridiculously wrong answer he could. "Falling Off Buses?"

"Fall Out Boy, you dolt!" I said grabbing a shoe and throwing it at him.

He dodged it laughing. "See ya later sis."

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