Part 4

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Time skip ⏭

(You are finally able to craw and set up straight)


If it didn't catch your eye, you got into everything in the cabinets, throwing clothes and other items out. (So let's say there was a mess everywhere) you had your bottle by you and a Pile of clothes around you.

That's when Sanzu finally came in and picked you up away from the mess.

"Haruka, that's a No No. You don't mess with the cabinets," he said as you took you out of the room and put you on a blanket in the living room. He then sat by you and pulled out your toys so you had something to do.

You ended up playing with blocks while Sanzu stacked them up, and you knocked them down.

"Guess what, Haruka?" Sanzu said like you could answer, but either way, you looked at him because he stopped stacking up the blocks for you.

"We are going to go to Russia together," he said happily

You just looked at him and gave him a block, telling him to stack the blocks up for you again.


Time skip ⏭ 

Sanzu was getting your things ready for the trip as you sat with Kokonoi. He watched TV, and you chewed on a teething ring while making baby noises.

Eventually, Sanzu got you both packed and came out with 4 Bags that looked full.

"Sanzu, why do you have so many bags? We are only going to be gone for three days," Kokonoi said

"I needed to bring Haruka's toys, diaper bag, and clothes." He said proudly

"Did you pack all of her toys or something?"

"Yes, I don't want her to feel homesick," Sanzu said as he took the bags to the car. Kokonoi followed you as he put you in the car and buckled up your car seat.

Kokonoi ended up riding to (where the private plane was) with you and Sanzu and left his car at Sanzu'sAuthors notes 📝

Sorry, I haven't posted in a while. I'm trying to get back into the hang of school since Christmas break just ended.

I hope you liked the story 😊

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