Six: The Dirty Talk

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When was the last time I laughed this much?

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When was the last time I laughed this much?

Never. The answer was quite simply never.

Someone put Beau Martin into my life to make me smile again; I was so sure of it. Maybe I had Bren to thank for that, or maybe it was someone else. It didn't matter who, but all of the alcohol coursing through my body allowed me to revel in this moment without thinking about how I wouldn't get to keep him.

I wanted to keep him.

Golden retriever energy combined with that sneaky little twinkle in his eye promising a few secrets, a few moments of rebellion and delightit didn't exist anywhere but in this guy.

"Now where the hell did you get champagne?" I asked, giggling ridiculously when he poured me the tiniest of glasses. If he thought I hadn't realized that he'd been slowly cutting me off, he was dead wrong.

Mischief danced in his grin. "Don't you worry 'bout it."

I wasn't worried. I wasn't worried about anything right now.

We clinked our glasses together, and bubbles cascaded down my throat. When I set down the champagne flute, Beau cleared his throat.

"Does the pretty lady dance?"

Laughing, I ignored how my face flushed. Hot. Prickly. "She does when she's got drinks in her."

Beau seemed pleased with my answer. His lips curved as he unbuttoned his suit jacket and then held out his hand. Without hesitation, I took it, wrapping my fingers around his for the first time.


Beau entered the apartment like a storm, slamming the door behind him and throwing the keys down on the table. Tension rolled off of him in waves, but he stopped short at seeing his two roommates sitting in the living room, staring at him.

Nessa was the first one to break the silence.

"We're having a roommate meeting."


He looked pained by the idea.

"Now," Nessa insisted. "We've been waiting for you to come back."

Beau's lips thinned, but Nessa didn't let up.

"Where were you?"

Faking a nonchalance we could all definitely see through, Beau leaned against the double-wide door frame that led from the kitchen to the living room.

"Nowhere. Out."

And then, because it was obvious he didn't want to be around us, or more likely, me, he started to take off down the hallway. But Nessa was quick to stop him.

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