Sixteen: Hands To Himself

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WATCHING BEAU UNDRESS WAS probably the hottest thing I'd ever seen

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WATCHING BEAU UNDRESS WAS probably the hottest thing I'd ever seen.

The slow unbuttoning of his shirt with those fingers that had just been inside me....yeah, I was about ready to start touching myself to dull the intensity of how ridiculously turned on I was. God, I shouldn't be. I shouldn't be this hot and eager, not after what had happened in the elevator ten minutes ago. But Beau just did something to me.

He didn't seem to mind being a spectacle. If anything, he was enjoying it. His lips were curved up in a secret all-knowing smile, and when he finally stripped his dress shirt off and threw it on the bed, he raised a brow.

"Like the show?"

I leaned back on the bed, spreading out from where he'd instructed me to sit a few minutes ago. "I'm a big fan of the show."

Shirtless, Beau unbuckled his belt. "I'm a big fan of the audience."

With a laugh, I brushed my hair out of my face. I didn't want to miss a thing.

I couldn't remember the last time I'd laughed this much during a hook-up. Well, I couldn't remember a time when I'd laughed at all during a hook-up.

"What do you want to see next?" Beau asked, whipping his belt out of the loops on his pants. "I'm here all night, baby."


Too late, I realized the problem with Beau's flannel shirt.

The buttons on it weren't the ones that slipped into place in the tiny holes. No, they were the kind of buttons that snapped together.

And easily snapped apart.

Meaning that I was half-naked when I woke up the next morning in Beau's bed.

Well, not quite. The flannel shirt was still on. But it was completely unbuttoned. And completely flung apart. And I was, yep, completely bare.

We'd fallen asleep haphazardly. I was all over the place, lying across the top of the bed while Beau's head barely graced the edge of a pillow. He was crooked, and I was diagonal. Neither of us was where we should have been, which was on opposite sides of the bed and not in a position where Beau's face was all but nuzzled into my chest. My very bare chest.

I squealed a little bit when I realized. And that was my first mistake. Because big surprise—it woke him up. Before I could cover myself.

But then he opened his eyes, and suddenly I couldn't move even if I wanted to.

My skin warmed, all hot and prickly when he unashamedly latched onto the sight in front of him. His previously slow, deep breathing quickened the longer he stared, and then he began trailing his gaze up, sucking all of the air out of my body as he did.

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