Thirty-Five: Another Morning

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I WAS SERIOUSLY CONSIDERING texting Bren to ask if he had a condom I could have

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I WAS SERIOUSLY CONSIDERING texting Bren to ask if he had a condom I could have. Maybe two. Or three. Depended on how late Collins slept and how she felt about morning sex.

Knowing Bren, he would have come prepared for his weekend with Madie, and Collins said their hotel room was just down the hall.

It was probably too early, though. The clock on the bedside table read seven in the morning, but my brain was still wired from last night, from the best freaking sex of my life. And even though I was exhausted, I couldn't sleep. The night kept replaying over and over again in my head.

Instead, I flicked through the room service menu, keeping a careful eye on a peacefully sleeping Collins. I had no clue what she'd want for breakfast, which just highlighted how little I really knew about her, apart from how amazing she was in bed.

I could get to know her, though. I planned on getting to know her.

At least, that is, until an hour later when Collins woke up and shattered that thought into a million pieces that I didn't think would ever fit back together again.

Collins was wild in bed. And I didn't mean wild like how she was last night. I meant that she tossed and turned and tossed some more while she slept. It didn't wake me up in the night, but now it was past her usual seven-thirty wake-up call, and she was still thrashing around.

Of course, her tossing and turning didn't bother me in the way that she'd been giving me quite the view, naked and tangled in sheets that barely covered her. But it did bother me in the way that I worried she was having nightmares or flashbacks.

Wrapping an arm around her waist, I pulled her into me with hopes that a bit of stability would help her settle. Luckily, it did. She buried her face in my neck with a sigh, and even though she still squirmed a bit, each tiny movement brought her closer. Like she was trying to find me in the dark, even though it was morning.

I'd been able to put my worries aside to enjoy the last few days with Collins, soaking in every minute of being finally able to call her mine. But it was a new day now. Another day, another morning after sleeping together. And I couldn't keep my brain from running back to how last time we woke up together like this, she'd left me. I couldn't keep my brain from thinking about why she'd left me.

It drove me up the wall that I couldn't remember Mr. Colorado's last name. I wanted to fucking end him and his family.

Around ten, I slipped out of bed to grab some coffee before settling in next to Collins again. Even those thirty seconds out of the room scared the living daylight out of me, though. What the hell was my problem? She didn't have a magic fucking wand, and yet a part of me worried she'd be gone when I walked back in the room. Like she'd vanish in a blink of an eye.

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