chapter 12 • i laughed, turning to look at jack, who was grinning

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because jack couldn't be seen by other people, i had to hang out with him inside of my house.

if i didn't, i looked insane.

mia and mateo walked into the backyard, looking around.

"there he is." mateo said. as jack came flying down.

"finally. my fan club all in one place." i smiled..

"your fan club?" mia asked.

"i didn't sign up for anything." mateo shrugged.

"yes, you did. jack is the president." i motioned, as if it was obvious.

"says who?" jack scoffed.

"me." i frowned.

jack ignored me, making snow from cold air.

"okay, you do that." i suddenly wished that i had a sweater.

jack left a trail of snow wherever he went.

mateo picked up a handful of snow, making a snow ball. he threw it at mia.

she picked up a handful of snow, doing the same.

we began to have a snow ball fight, until there literally wasn't snow left on the ground.

everything had eventually melted from my touch.

jack shrugged, and made more snow.

"let's make snow angels." i thought.

i laid in the snow, grimacing at the cold.

jack laid down next to me, spreading his arms to make the mark he left look like wings.

"are you possessed?" i asked, watching as he flailed. "you need an exorcism."

jack glared at me.

i moved my arms up and down, copying his movement.

finally, i sat up, turning to face the ground. there was a mark left in the place i had been.

it didn't look like an angel.

i rubbed my arms, trying to get all the snow off of me.

"i'm never doing that ever again." i frowned, disappointed.

mateo grabbed mia's hand, helping her up.

i gasped as i remembered an event, and then felt forved to share.

"one time i was waiting for mcdonald's in the drive-thru and mia was grabbing the bag and someone grabbed it and ran away." i remembered.

mia laughed.

"so you got robbed?" jack laughed.

"not funny. you don't understand how hungry i was." i frowned.

"let's make a snowman!" mia suggested, with a gasp.

mateo was quick to hep mia roll up three snow spheres.

i didn't really wanna help.

"wow. those are big balls." i nodded.

"please stop." mia turned to look.

"i'm gonna go get some clothes for it!" i ran inside the house.

jack followed me in.

we raced up the stairs, and entered my room. we began to search through my closet for clothes.

the outfit needed to look good.

"you have terrible taste." i said, ignoring the clothes jack was holding up.

i stared at all my good options.

my hands reached to the top of the shelf, looking for a nice shirt.

i found a red and white tank top, a denim skirt, and red boots.

jack insisted on a white purse.

we were satisfied with the outfits we picked out, and we returned back outside.

jack was the first to dress the snowman, in a light blue top, and cargo pants.

"i tried to make it look like me." jack explained.

"well instead it looks like dog shit." i replaced the outfit he'd made with the one i selected.

"it's not like yours is better!"

"yes it is."

"it looks like you."

"the snowman is cute. that's not an insult. you're only made because i have better taste in everything than you. like with music. everyone else's music taste sucks unless it's mine."

"yours sucks too. only good artist is mitski."

"you look like you work at monsters inc."

"that's not rude. i loved that movie.0

"yeah.. i can tell."

mateo and mia awkwardly presented they'd chosen for the snowman, and took turns dressing it.

mia dressed it first.

"wow, you have a unique fashion sense." jack nodded, trying to be polite.

"you must hate everything." mia rolled her eyes, and admired the outfit on the snowman.

"i chose out the best one." mateo corrected us all.

the snowman went from looking like jack, to me, to a princess, and then to a homeless man.

"i think it looks great." i complimented.

"i think it looks like shit." jack opposed. "but only because cherry thinks it looks good."

"you are so rude to me. i thought we were best friends."

"only on my wednesday through friday,
6pm to 11 pm business hours."

"what are business hours?"

"i don't know."

eventually, we decided on leaving the snowman naked, which felt a little wrong.

even though snowmen didn't wear clothes, the fact it wasn't wearing clothes anymore was weird.

we left it with the t-shirt mateo had selected.

i laughed, turning to look at jack, who was grinning.

𝐋𝐈𝐐𝐔𝐈𝐃 𝐒𝐌𝐎𝐎𝐓𝐇, jack frostWhere stories live. Discover now