Chapter 2- Goodbye

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                                                                       Sophie P.O.V

Sophie teleported to New York, hoping she could start a new life. She'd brought some money that she had leftover from when she and her friends went to join the Black Swan. She was already starting to miss Keefe's jokes- nope not going there. 

They chose to accuse her. So she took all her memories of the Elvin world and put them in a mental box, labelled worthless. And wow- she'd forgotten how loud human thoughts were. She raised a mental shield.

She counted her money- 159.00 $ that should be enough to buy non-perishable food, a blanket, shoes, water, and if she was lucky- maybe some pizza. 



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Everything but the food was worn out because it was cheaper that way, but Sophie didn't care, she just needed to stay warm

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Everything but the food was worn out because it was cheaper that way, but Sophie didn't care, she just needed to stay warm. She'd be on the streets for a while. Of course, she could buy a hotel room, but it would only last 2 nights. This way she would save more money.

She walked for a bit until she found an alley with a small bit of roof hovering over it.

She walked for a bit until she found an alley with a small bit of roof hovering over it

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She set up her blanket and food. She made sure to hide her food- just in case. But that night was the worst. She shivered, even with the blanket on her. Tears welled in her eyes. She was so, so cold. She missed her warm bed and- NOPE. 

Shut UP, Soph. Sophie scolded herself. She put the thoughts back into the mental box. This was going to be a long journey.

                                                                                 Biana P

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                                                                                 Biana P.O.V

Biana was torn. Would Sophie do that? Biana hugged herself.

No. She thought. Now that Biana thought about it, they didn't even give her a chance to explain...

"B?" Fitz asked from the door.

"Come in."

"Are you okay? After last night-" Fitz started.

"No. Fitz, now that I think about it, last night we were the freaks. We didn't even give her a chance to explain. We kinda jumped to a conclusion- and what if we had it all wrong? For all we know, she could've been being attacked." 

Fitz closed his eyes. "In a way you're right, but then what did she mean when she said, 'When will my murder be staged,'" Fitz asked.

"I guess we can't be certain of anything," Biana responded.

"Actually, that's why I came to talk to you. Sophie ran away last night, and Grady and Edaline want us and the others to search Sophie's room for clues."

Biana gasped.

"It's a good thing I'm dressed! Let's go!" Biana said hurriedly.

~Time Skip~

When Grady and Edaline opened the door, they had bags under their eyes, which were bloodshot.

"Hi..." Biana said nervously.

"Hello, you're free to go up to her room," Grady said. Biana didn't miss the fact that Grady used "her" instead of "Sophie". It broke her heart.

"Ok," Dex responded for her.

They headed up to Sophie's room. Keefe and Dex looked away, and Biana couldn't blame them. Everything was like it was for the past 4 years. Boxes of her old human stuff were still in the corner, and she claimed she never unpacked because she didn't have the time, but they all knew it was because it was too hard for her. 

Her stuffed animal, Ella, was on the bed, along with a note, but Tam beat her to it, then he tossed it onto the ground. Bian picked it up for her and her friends to read. It said,

I'm sorry I'm a failure.


Biana put the note down.

"Pathetic," Tam mumbled.

"Weren't we here to look for clues?" Linh asked.

Everyone nodded, and they got to work.

After hours, they found nothing but her registry pendant. Biana was about to give up when she noticed a piece of the wall in her bathroom sticking out a little. She lingered towards it, pulled the piece out and gasped with what she saw.

A journal! She called her friends over and they sat on Sophie's bed to read it. They flipped to yesterday. It read:

I'm scared. But it's for them.

The Neverseen made their move. And it worked. They threatened to hurt everyone I loved if I didn't surrender. So I did. Tonight is the night. This is the last time I will be able to write freely. I didn't want anyone to try to find me- I need them safe. I'm slowly shattering from the guilt of them getting hurt anyway- so what have I got to lose? I've agreed that if I surrender, the Neverseen fake my death. Make it sound peaceful- of course, but I just- I can't live with myself anymore. If I would have just stayed in the museum the day Fitz met me-

I'm not a little girl anymore.

The rest of the pages were torn out.

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