Chapter 13- The announcement.

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Iris P

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Iris P.O.V

Once she got back to the forest, Iris let the tears that she'd been holding in fall out as she ran back to the palace.

She didn't realize that she had missed them so much. They had said some horrible things to her, but they stood by her no matter what. 

And she knew how she was going to stop Zhan at the hearing. And after, her worst enemy.

The Neverseen.

Once she got to the palace she wiped her eyes and went in.

"Queen Iris," The guard greeted her.

She nodded solemnly and got right to the point. "Is everyone on lockdown?"

"Yes, My Queen." 

"Perfect. I am going to make an announcement tomorrow addressing the entire city."

"I will alert the head guard."

And with that, the guard marched down the forest.

Iris threw off her jacket, changed into her nightgown, and plopped onto her massive bed.

But that night she didn't sleep.

She had dreams of Zhan's screams.

Dreams of her friends accusing her.

Dreams of her getting locked in exile and all her friends and family shaking their heads in disapproval.

She jolted awake, shaking and crying. She was no stranger to nightmares, but these were unbearable. She missed sleeping in her old room with 5 overprotective bodyguards and loving parents. She missed Keefe's teasing and her friends' support. Heck, she even missed the 3 hour long lectures she would get when she snuck off.

She was alone.

And she wasn't sure if they'd want her back. 


The next day...

2 more days until the hearing.

That was her only thought when she woke up.

She was ready.

But she still needed to make the announcement. 

She went to Annalise's shop and picked up a beautiful ocean-blue dress with elegant flowers running down the bottom.

She went to Annalise's shop and picked up a beautiful ocean-blue dress with elegant flowers running down the bottom

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~Time Skip~

Once everyone arrived at the announcement, she took a deep breath. She had her lines memorized, but that didn't stop her from being so nervous she felt sick.

"People of the Shagwyn. You all may be wondering why I had the guards put you on lockdown, and the answer is not easy. A rebel group called the Neverseen was the reason Zhan Avington went missing. I will be absent the day after tomorrow, and the guards will take my place. I know you all are not fans of the Elves and the Lost Cities, but they are all in danger. And it is my job as Queen to do everything in my power to make this world a better place. I swore an oath to keep you all safe, and I will keep that promise. I may be only 16, but I've fought many battles like this one in my past. Trust me when I say this group is not the kind you want to get involved with. This group has done unimaginable things, some so terrible they are unspeakable. Take my word when I say, I promise to bring Zhan home." Iris told the people.

The crowd just stood there. Then, someone shouted, "We want to help!"

"This is not the kind of thing you can help with," Iris said simply.

"We want to go!" Another shouted.

Before Iris could respond, the whole crowd protested. Iris took a deep breath.

"I swore an oath," Iris argued.

"Didn't that oath also swear to put our needs before yours!?" Someone argued.

Iris laughed. "I guess there's no convincing you otherwise,"

The crowd cheered.

"You all may go. But there will be no use of powers. I cannot risk you all revealing yourselves." Iris told the crowd.

" Iris told the crowd

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Dex P.O.V

Dex wished he hadn't said all those things to Sophie.

He wished he could have his best friend back.

He missed the way she blushed when Keefe teased her.

He missed the way she cheered everyone up.

Dex never realized that they all dumped their problems on Sophie, and how much Sophie had been holding in.

"Dex?" Keefe asked, snapping him out of his thoughts.

"Hm?" Dex responded.

"I can feel your emotions whirling around like a tornado," Keefe told him, waving his hand in the air.

"I don't know. It just feels like all of these years we've been dumping all of our problems and emotions on Sophie, but we never really let her talk about hers. She held it all in, and I can't imagine what it was like keeping that weight on your shoulders." 

"Dex is right. we were all so caught up in our own junk that we wren't there for Sophie when she needed us." Biana aggreed.

After the Foster Fiasco, as Keefe called it, they all met up at Havenfield to talk.

"I miss her so much," Linh mumbled.

"At least we know she's okay," Tam told Linh.

"But why did she want to know when the hearing was?" Fitz questioned.

No one knew.

And that was the problem.

Sophie was somewhere, but no one knew where.

Sophie wanted something, but no one knew what.

A/N Guys i know this was a short chapter! I fell off schedule when i couldn't publish yesterday. Im trying my best to post everyday to my amazing readers! 

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