Chapter 11- Missing?

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Iris P

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Iris P.O.V

"What do you mean he's missing? I saw him just minutes ago!" Iris replied, jumping up.

"We found his home, and it was torched, everything was scratched, and there was this on the ground." The guard said, pulling out a neverseen cloak.

Iris cursed. "Put everyone on lockdown and have guards posted outside the forest and any way of entering. This is something serious. Do you have a Psionipath on standby?"

"Yes, my Queen." The guard replied.

"Perfect. Have the Psionipath create a forcefield around the city." Iris told the guard, who bowed his head and ran out the door.

"What's going on?" Annalise asked.

"Nothing you need to worry about. Just lock your door and stay inside." Iris demanded.

Iris ran out the door without another word.

This was bad.

Very bad.

Did the neverseen take him?

But why burn his house down?

Did Zhan get angry for some reason and run away?

That doesn't explain the Neverseen cloak though.

Thousands of theories popped into her head.

Suddenly, a crashing headache made her clutch her head in pain.

She opened her eyes to find herself in the middle of a hearing with the Council. Then, a beast burst through the crowd. There were screams, and arrows were shot at the beast, but that only seemed to make it more upset. But Iris was more distracted by the hazel eyes of the beast.


His eyes looked like they were pleading for help. Then, she blinked and she was back in the forest.

Iris suddenly realized what just happened.

She had a vision.

She had a vision

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Linh P.O.V

"Full of surprises?" Linh repeated.

"Um- yea? Are you forgetting that a couple of days ago we found out she can rage sing, play guitar, attract a crowd and make money?" Tam replied.

Keefe threw his hands up in the air. "I didn't!"

Linh rolled her eyes. "Anyways, did Grady and Edaline agree to go public?"

Silence. Linh sighed.

"Okay, this is going to be harder than I thought," Fitz admitted.

"I agree with Fitzy. We aren't even allowed to talk about it so we cant ask Grady and Edaline. How are they holding up, by the way?" Keefe asked.

"They're doing better than I thought they would. They only have their mind fixed on one thing, and I'm guessing you all know what that is." Linh told him. 

Linh had been visiting Grady and Edaline for a while now, and they were pretty strong. Occasionally she caught them with bags under their eyes, but that was what happened to all of them. But they had to keep telling themselves that they would eventually bring Sophie home.

A/N so sorry for the short chapter! I'm trying my best to give you guys long ones!

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