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The office was quiet as Harley walked towards her office. She chose to ignore the looks she was getting but she knew why everyone was staring. Levi was back to work and his eyes were still bruised and the cut on his nose was scabbed over.

A few of her work colleagues had found out what had happened and were in shock because Levi was amazing towards Harley. He always found time to visit her and have lunch with her. Then, of course, they turned around when he was caught cheating. It wasn't the first time she was cheated on by a boyfriend and she really thought that Levi was the one. It broke her heart and she wanted to scream and cry.

Harley closed her office door and let out a shaky breath. She needed to keep her head up and act like Levi didn't hurt her. It was hard but she was raised to be a strong woman and no man was going to bring her down. Not even the man she thought she loved.

At one point, Harley thought that Levi was going to propose to her. He had arranged a holiday and told her he had everything planned for her. Romantic walks, dinners and touring the country. Levi paid for everything and told her that she wasn't to reach into her purse at all. It was his treat.

Harley had never felt so excited. She told Nat and Wanda that she had a feeling he was going to ask her to marry him. Then a few weeks later, she caught him in bed with another woman. It was like her world came crashing down and it crushed her heart. She couldn't take her eyes off the naked woman trying to cover herself up with the sheets she had picked out for them. Or the way the woman's thong hung on the lampshade next to the bed.

Levi had run over to her telling her it wasn't what it looked like and the woman forced herself onto him. He then went on to explain that the alcohol wasn't helping and she finally looked at him, the woman's lipstick smudged around his lips and throat. She could barely hear what excuses he was throwing at her because her heart was beating loudly in her ears.

Harley had slowly moved his hands away from her and the next thing she knew, her fist made contact with his nose knocking him onto his ass. Blood had dripped from his nose as he stared up at her with wide eyes. She still remembers how badly her eyes stung from her crying, making her mascara run down her face leaving a black mess on her cheeks.

There was a knock on her door breaking from her thoughts and she quickly dabbed away the tears that had escaped. She cleared her throat and called the person in. She regretted calling them in and Levi closed the door behind him.

"May I sit?" He asked quietly.

"It's your building," Harley said, not looking at him, "What can I do for you, Mr Taylor?"

"Harley, please," He said, "Why are you being like this?"

Harley swallowed back her tears, "I don't know, you tell me?"

"I tried to call you but you weren't answering your calls,"

"I wonder why,"

"Harley, babe, you need to listen to me," Levi begged, "I never meant for that to happen, I swear to you. I'm hurting just as much as you. I made a drunken mistake and I regret it so badly. I love you, Harley. You know I love you,"

"Drunk or not, if you loved me you would have kept your dick in your pants," Harley said, doing her best not to cry, "If what you say is true, that she forced herself onto you, then you should have pushed her away. Not push your dick into her vagina,"

"This is ridiculous. I'm trying to tell you that I hate myself for what happened and you are pushing me away,"

"No, what is ridiculous is that you keep telling me the same thing over and over again like it will just disappear and I won't be hurt anymore," Harley said looking at him, "I'm not stupid, Levi. I love you and I fucking hate myself for still loving you but...but I can't take you back. You cheated on me. Who's to say that it won't happen again?"


"No, don't. I don't want to hear it," Harley whispered, "I want to move on and forget that every boyfriend I have had has eventually treated me like shit. I finally thought that I had found the one to spend the rest of my life with,"

"It can still happen,"

"I thought you were going to ask me to marry you, for god's sake!" Harley exclaimed, "I was going to say yes if you did and I was going to be happy for the rest of my life,"

"I...I'm sorry,"

"Sorry isn't going to cut it," Harley said, wiping a few tears away, "I'd like you to leave now, Levi,"

"Harley," Levi said standing up, "I love you. I still love you and you were right. I was going to ask you to marry me. I had everything planned and I fucked that up. Cheating is disgusting and I feel like shit. I still want to marry you and spend the rest of my life with you. I want to have kids and I won't give that up,"

Harley's bottom lip trembled, "Please, leave,"


"No!" Harley said getting to her feet, "Stop! Stop with the dumb excuses. You knew what you were doing and do you know why I know that? It's because you don't fucking drink! You have one drink because you hate the taste of alcohol. You were fucking sober so don't lie to me. I'm not one of the stupid women you fucked behind my back,"

Levi clenched his fists, "Women? Do you think I've done that more than once?"

"You tell me," Harley scoffed, "Do you know what? I can't be here right now. I'm going home and you are going to leave me alone. I have punched you once, don't think I won't do it again,"

Harley grabbed her things and stormed out of her office, with Levi following closely behind her.

"You can't run away forever. You will have to face up to this eventually," Levi said grabbing her hand, "If you still love you, you'd forgive me. I fucked up. I know I did,"

Harley laughed slightly and pulled her hand away, "Yeah? Well, guess what. That Friday you found me in the bar, which by the way, was slightly stalkerish. I went home with another man,"

Levi's eyes went wide, "What?"

"Yup! And it was the best sex I've had in a while!" Harley said, "Don't look at me like that. I'm single and can do whatever the fuck I want. Now, excuse me. I am going home,"

"You...you can't just sleep with other men,"

"At least I have the fucking decency to fuck another man when I'm not in a relationship," Harley said quietly, "Is there anything else you'd like to add or can I go home?"

Levi swallowed hard, "You...you can go home. Don't forget...we have a meeting tomorrow morning,"

"Right. Because I really need to be there," Harley said, "I'm sure you can get Eve to fill my spot or would that be too awkward because she works here and you were fucking her behind my back?"

Levi's eyes darkened and Harley walked away after hearing the gasps of everyone who was standing watching the fight unfold.

Harley managed to keep it together until she stepped outside the building and burst into tears. She hugged herself as she walked down the road and someone cleared their throat behind her.

"Is...are you ok?"

Harley looked up into blue eyes and she wiped her tears, "I don't know,"

"Did you want to get a drink?" He asked.

"It's probably best I don't drink," She whispered, "Thank you though,"

"Oh, no worries. Get home safe, ok?" The man smiled and Harley nodded, "I'll be at the bar around the corner on Friday night if you do fancy that drink. I'm having a drink with a friend but you are more than welcome to join me, I mean us,"

Harley laughed slightly and nodded, "I will think about it,"

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