Part 3 - Safety

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Elizabeth ran, tears streaming down her face. Stumbling back through the rose garden, she fell once in her haste, almost losing a shoe, but the thought of Wickham rising and coming after her pushed her on until she finally burst through the opening in the hedge and out on the lawn. She raced up the grass towards the bright lights of the ballroom. She could swear to hearing the noise of a pursuer close behind her, so much so that she sobbed in relief at the sight of someone standing at the edge of the small patio area. As she got closer she realised that someone was Mr Darcy, who was staring at her in shock, but she didn't much care. Mr Darcy might be a proud and arrogant gentleman, but a gentleman he most certainly was, and Elizabeth instantly knew she was safe.

Unable to control herself she threw herself into his arms and sobbed, "Thank God." It took her brain only a moment to catch up with her actions and instantly she went to pull away, utterly mortified, but before she could she felt Darcy's arms coming around her tightly. Unconsciously she melted further into his arms. "Elizabeth, what on earth has happened?"

When she found she couldn't yet catch her breath to answer, he began to soothingly run his hands up and down her back. Despite having just felt physically sick at Wickham's hands all over her moments ago, this felt entirely different. Darcy's touch was welcome and reassuring in a way that Elizabeth never would have expected. 

Elizabeth had no notion of the emotions that were playing through Darcy's head at that time. Concern and worry were at the forefront of his mind over what had upset Elizabeth so much, but there was also joy and a sense of peace at having the woman he had not been able to stop thinking about in his arms. Of course a strong sense of guilt immediately followed this feeling given that the woman in question was crying and clearly in distress.

Taking a deep breath, she pulled away enough to be able to wipe the tears from her face and look up into Darcy's concerned eyes. He, however, was reluctant to release her just yet and only moved his arms from her back to her shoulders.

"Elizabeth, you must tell me what has happened. Are you hurt? Has someone done you harm? Who was it?"

Elizabeth glanced down at herself as though to check if she was hurt or not. "I'm alright, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to accost you like that. I think I am unharmed."

Darcy placed a gentle hand under chin, raising it up until she met his eyes once more. Gosh he had handsome eyes. They sparkled with intensity as they gazed at her. How had she never noticed them before?

"What happened?" He asked gently.

Elizabeth gulped. Speaking of what Wickham had just attempted, knowing that someone other than her would know, made it all the more real. But she knew Darcy would not let the matter slide and in any case she found she trusted him. She wanted him to know. Suddenly all her previous misgivings about Darcy had to be reassessed. The man who she thought was charming and amiable had just assaulted her, whilst the man whom she had previously greatly disliked, and whom she thought had disliked her, was offering her comfort in her moment of need.

Taking a deep breath she looked away as she recounted the traumatic events of the last ten minutes, "I was trying to avoid Mr Collins. He has scarcely left my side all night and I sought to escape him by sending him to fetch me a drink and then ducking outside for a moment. I was enjoying the cool air and wandered further than I thought. I was just sitting in the Rose garden when..." Unsolicited tears began to fill her eyes and she stopped for a moment to compose herself. A gentle squeeze of her shoulder from Mr Darcy urged her on. He was beginning to make a fairly solid prediction as to where this story was heading and was working hard to hide his building rage from the still fragile Elizabeth. He just needed confirmation of the man's name.

"I was sitting on the bench in the Rose garden when Mr Wickham..."

"Wickham?" Darcy exclaimed in shock. He had been expecting the name of Collins.

Elizabeth glanced up at him, "Yes, Wickham. He... he... He came stumbling round the corner and when he saw me he smiled. But it was not his usual smile. He sat down beside me, far too close for my comfort. It was clear he was drunk and I tried to leave but he grabbed a hold of my wrist and pulled me down. I demanded he release me but he would not and... He forced his mouth on mine and... I fought Mr Darcy. I swear I fought him." Elizabeth let out a sob and Darcy instantly pulled her into his arms once more. Elizabeth clung on to him equally as tight but the words continued to tumble out of her, needing to finish her tale. "He pushed me to the ground and tried to pull my skirt up but I was kicking out too much and somehow I managed to make contact with him... in his groin area. He immediately let me go and I pushed him off me and ran. And then I found you." Elizabeth finished, looking up at him, her eyes full of a gratitude he did not deserve simply for being in the right place at the right time.

Darcy felt uncomfortable asking but he had to be sure, "He did not rape you?" Elizabeth shook her head and Darcy breathed a sigh of relief, pulling her into his arms once more. "You are safe now Elizabeth. I will never allow anyone to hurt you." Elizabeth could only nod, feeling the genuinity of his words right down to her bones.

"You left Wickham in the rose garden?"

"Yes, at least I think so. I do not know if he is still there or not."

Darcy nodded, "You should return to the ballroom and I will go in search of him and ensure that..."

Immediately Elizabeth started to panic. The thought of Mr Darcy leaving her side at that moment filled her with dread. "No, please don't go, please don't leave me." She beseeched, desperately clutching at his lapels. "I cannot return to the ballroom yet and I fear being alone in the garden. What if Wickham has recovered and is no longer in the rose garden and..."

"It's alright. Breathe Elizabeth, breathe." He urged her, once again rubbing his hands up and down her arms in reassurance, "Of course I will not leave you if you do not want me to."

Elizabeth relaxed once more and there were a few moments of silence as Darcy allowed her to regain her composure. He was still seething inside at the thought of Wickham having laid hands on his Elizabeth but he tried hard to hide the rage from the woman still recovering in his arms.

The Compromising of Elizabeth Bennet: A pride and prejudice variationWhere stories live. Discover now