Part 13 - Wickham

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Wickham left the inn in the early hours. The sun was just beginning to peak above the horizon. He was not in any way hungover though having been denied the use of a tab and only able to scrounge two drinks off of others. The last few weeks since the Netherfield Ball had been a nightmare. The rumours surrounding his compromise of Elizabeth Bennet had led to every young woman in the village avoiding him like the plague. His previously stellar reputation had been tarnished beyond repair and even resulted in his credit being denied at all the local shops in Meryton. People were now calling in the money he owed, which he obviously could not pay, and he was starting to run out of excuses. Avoiding all those he was in debt to was becoming exhausting and none of his so called friends were willing to help tide him over. His superior Colonel Forster was also keeping an extra tight leash on him and Wickham was starting to think the Militias was not the place for him. Perhaps it was time to quit the country and start anew. America seemed like a good prospect. But that required money.

Dodging down several back alleys to avoid the scrutinising gaze of the people of Meryton, Wickham arrived at the prearranged meeting point. Caroline Bingley's offer was his only hope of gaining the funds required, and it didn't hurt that the plan involved hurting Darcy. Though he had no particular wish to hurt Elizabeth Bennet she was the cause of his current situation and after her rejection at the ball deserved at least a little of what was coming her way. Still he had no intentions of actually taking the chit with him. Just a little white lie to ensure Miss Bingley gave him the money he required.

He lent against the trunk of a large tree whistling freely until Miss Bingley suddenly appeared, furtively looking around her as though fearful of being caught.

"Good Morning Miss Bingley, such a pleasant day for a kidnapping." He greeted her charmingly.

"Shhh" she hissed, "Do you want all of Meryton to hear our plans? Now we are quite clear what you are to do. Take Eliza Bennet away from here and ensure that she cannot return. She must not be allowed to marry my Darcy."

"Where's my £500?"

"I've told you I will give you your money once the deed is done. I know not to trust you in advance."

Wickham huffed annoyingly, "You had best have it ready. I need that money for passage for myself and Miss Bennet or neither of us will be leaving the area and I'll certainly not keep quiet about who paid me to do what." He looked at her meaningfully but Caroline only glared back.

"I'll do as we planned, once news of her disappearance reaches Netherfield you will bring my money to the old barn in the south field and we'll be on our way, or of course if you don't show I'll release her after having informed her of your involvement."

"You'll get your money and I'll get my husband." She said vehemently before turning and walking away, still glancing around her apprehensively.

Wickham sighed but then pushed away from the tree he had been leaning on and set off in the direction of Longbourn, knowing Elizabeth's preference for early morning walks he hoped to catch her as she returned home. The sooner he got this over and done with the sooner he would have his money.

It was nearing thirty minutes later when Wickham spotted Elizabeth from his hiding place but he was frustrated to see she was not alone. Evidently Miss Jane Bennet had decided to accompany her sister on her morning walk and the two were casually strolling along beside each other. Wickham considered what he should do. The last thing he wanted was a witness to the crime but he doubted any other opportunities would present themselves. The wedding was set for tomorrow and he did not think that even Elizabeth Bennet would go for a walk on her wedding day. It had to be now and hopefully the fact Miss Bennet would be a witness would not matter if he could get his money and escape the country quickly enough.

With two women to subdue, Wickham decided on a slightly different approach and casually left his hiding place to stroll along the road towards the sisters. Once they noticed him they both hesitated, but Wickham smiled charmingly and continued walking forwards with his hands behind his back as though he didn't have a care in the world. As he approached he bowed lowly and greeted them as warmly as ever. Out of automatic politeness both sisters offered small curtsies and that was when Wickham struck. Swinging his arm upwards he dealt Jane a blow to the side of her head with a smooth rock he had found for the purpose. He had intended to knock her out but instead she fell to the ground with a cry. No matter, Wickham dropped the rock and moved quickly to grab Elizabeth around the waist and haul her against him. In his other hand he pressed the chloroform soaked cloth into her mouth and nose and held it tight until her struggles ceased and she succumbed.

Jane stared at him in shock as blood trickled down her cheek but her fear only lasted a moment as she regained her feet and flew at Wickham. "Let my sister go" she screamed whilst attempting to tug her limp sister out of his arms.

"Christ" Wickham grunted as he tried to fight her off whilst still holding Elizabeth up.

Eventually he managed to kick her in the stomach, sending her flying to the ground once more and winding her badly. Not waiting for her to recover this time he picked up his unconscious victim and took off into the woods, knowing the trees would be the best way to lose his pursuer. And although he could hear Jane Bennet's shouts initially, it was only a few moments before her voice had faded and he was sure he had succeeded in losing her.

It was bad luck that Jane Bennet had not only seen him take Elizabeth but was also still conscious, and he knew that it would not take her long to raise the alarm. He moved as quickly as he could through Netherfield Woods, skirting around the edges of the estate until he finally reached the abandoned barn. Dumping Elizabeth unceremoniously on the floor he took several deep gulping breaths. He was seriously questioning his judgement at that moment but what was done was done now. There was nothing for it but to collect his payment from Miss Bingley as soon as possible and then run.

A groan from the floor had him quickly moving once more to ensure that Elizabeth was tied up securely as she slowly came around. She looked around bewildered until her eyes clocked him. The anger in her eyes made Wickham very glad that he had succeeded in tying her up before she awoke. "Let me go" she practically growled at him.

Although far from comfortable, Wickham put on his usual carefree facade, "So sorry about this my dear, needs must you know, but never fear we shall not be here for long."

Elizabeth gave her bindings a tug but knew immediately that the knots were well done. "Why are you doing this? What do you hope to gain by kidnapping me?"

"My primary motive is simple, my dear, money. A man cannot live without money and unfortunately I'm currently out of luck at the moment. I must admit though that the opportunity to antagonise Darcy, and get revenge on you for your rejection, are merely added bonuses."

"Added bonuses..." she spluttered. Unable to believe how casually he could talk about his crimes. "You are a vile wicked man and have made a grave mistake. When my disappearance is known William will have every man in the county looking for me and you better believe they will find me."

Wickham shrugged, "I assure you I shall be long gone by then."

Suddenly a horrible thought struck Elizabeth, "Jane? What happened to Jane? Is she alright?"

Wickham waved a hand to calm her down, "Don't fret, my dear when I left your sister she had a few minor injuries but I'm sure is well enough."

"Stop calling me your dear" Elizabeth hissed through gritted teeth.

"As you wish my dear," Wickham grinned. "Now I suggest you rest, the aftereffects of Chloroform can be rather nasty. There's nothing to do but wait for our mutual acquaintance to arrive."

"Mutual acquaintance?" Elizabeth questioned, but Wickham had already got up and strolled away to peer out through the broken barn slates and it seemed the conversation was at an end. Elizabeth gave the knots a further tug and twist but all that achieved was sore wrists. She glanced about her looking for anything she might use as an aid but Wickham was not stupid and there was nothing within reach. With a sigh of frustration she realised there really was nothing to do but wait. Darcy would find her, she had no doubts. Closing her eyes she pictured his face and the way he looked at her with nothing but unconditional love. Yes her Darcy would come for her.

The Compromising of Elizabeth Bennet: A pride and prejudice variationWhere stories live. Discover now