Part 4 - Hiding In Shadows

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Finally the embraced pair seemed to become aware of their surroundings and closeness once more and Elizabeth reluctantly pulled away. "I'm sorry Mr Darcy. I'm certain comforting a distressed crying woman was not in your plans for the evening."

A wry smile crossed Darcy's face, "I confess it was not but believe me when I say that I do not mind. I am glad to have been here and to be able to offer you comfort. I am only sorry for the cause of your upset."

Elizabeth nodded and offered him a small smile in return. "I've no doubt you think even less of me now than you did previously."

Darcy frowned slightly at that pronouncement, "Not at all. I have always thought very highly of you Miss Elizabeth and tonight's events have not altered that opinion in the slightest."

Now it was Elizabeth's turn to frown in confusion, "But... you have always been so disapproving."

"Disapproving," Darcy exclaimed in disbelief, "What on earth gave you the impression I disapproved of you?"

"By your very manner and actions. I have noticed your eyes are always on me but never with a smile. I thought you looked at me only to find fault."

Darcy was astonished. "To find fault... Elizabeth I looked at you because I could not look away. I did not want to, I tried to fight it but I could not. Your fine eyes and your teasing smile have had me bewitched for weeks."

"But... at the assembly..." Elizabeth mumbled flabbergasted at Darcy's confession, "You said I was not handsome enough to tempt you. That you were not interested in a woman slighted by other men."

Darcy groaned and rubbed at his face in embarrassment. "Forgive me, those were harsh words which I did not mean in the least. Truthfully I did not even really look at you before I made that comment. I'm afraid I behaved rather abominably at that assembly. I had just arrived from London that day and was tired with a dreadful headache. I did not want to be there and I did not want to dance so when Bingley would not stop harassing me I said those untruthful words just to try and rid myself of him. I am so sorry, I did not realise you had heard me else I would have apologised much sooner. Please believe me when I say that it has been a long time since I have thought of you as truly the most handsomest woman of my acquaintance."

Elizabeth could do nothing but stare at Darcy in shock. She opened her mouth to speak but when no words would come forth she quickly shut it again.

Before she could find the words to respond to Mr Darcy's astonishing apology and declaration of admiration a noise and movement behind him caught her eye. One of the doors from the Netherfield ballroom was being pushed open and none other than Caroline Bingley was stepping out of the brightness.

Mr Darcy let out a mumbled curse and grabbed Elizabeth's hand. He tugged her quickly with him to duck behind a large potted plant at the side of the small patio which Miss Bingley was now emerging onto. Pressing himself into the shadows between the plant and the building he pulled Elizabeth close and both of them held their breath. Miss Bingley walked right to the very edge of the patio, looking around her carefully as though searching for something, or someone. Faced with nothing but quiet darkness she huffed a sigh of frustration and turned back, returning to the ballroom and closing the door firmly behind her.

The hidden pair let out a breath of relief before smiling up at each other. And in that moment something passed between them. A fizzling connection that had both of them unable to look away. Slowly, so slowly, Darcy lent forwards, pausing when he was a whisper away, before finally closing the gap and pressing his lips softly against Elizabeth's. Elizabeth felt a spark shoot down her back and gasped. Immediately Darcy withdrew, "Forgive me, I should never..." But Elizabeth stopped his words by grabbing his lapels and pulling him back down to meet her lips once more. She didn't know what had come over her, she just knew she hadn't wanted that kiss to end.

Unable to quite believe what was happening Darcy simply followed Elizabeth's lead and kissed her back passionately. He wrapped his arms around her back, tugging her closer. Darcy's whole soul was on fire, unaware that Elizabeth was feeling exactly the same. But even as Darcy's heart soared, a nagging voice in his brain reminded him that Elizabeth had been assaulted just moments ago, and he was possibly taking advantage of her confused state. Somehow he found the willpower to slowly pull away. Looking down at Elizabeth's upturned face he almost lost his resolve. Her eyes were closed, her cheeks flushed and her lips were still in a most delicious open pout.

Realising he had pulled away she slowly blinked her eyes open. "Mr Darcy..." she whispered. But before she could get any further there was a crash behind her. Spinning around her eyes widened at the sight of Mr Wickham laying at the entrance to the Rose garden. The Bingley's bird bath lying beside him. Evidently he had knocked it over as he had come through the archway.

At the sight of the scoundrel who had tried to harm Elizabeth, Darcy wanted to go straight over there and call out the blackguard. But Elizabeth had frozen and Darcy recalled her words from earlier when she had begged him to stay with her rather than go after Wickham. So instead Darcy's arms went around her, pulling her back against his chest as they once again melted into the shadows. They both watched as Wickham, looking quite dishevelled, stumbled across the lawn and up onto the patio. Pushing and then pulling he finally managed to open the door and stagger his way back into the ballroom. Once again the door swung shut behind him.

Darcy held Elizabeth a moment longer before reluctantly letting her go, "We should return to the ballroom too, if you are well enough. I'm sure our absences will have been noted by some by now."

"Yes, of course!" Elizabeth stepped away from him. The thought of returning to the reality of the ballroom suddenly made her incredibly embarrassed by everything that had occurred, but Darcy gently reached out to take her hand and softly stroked his thumb across the back of it. The tenderness behind the gesture made Elizabeth's heart do an odd sort of squeeze which she had never felt before. Uncertain about the strange feeling which unsettled her greatly, she rather roughly pulled her hand free. "Thank you once again for your assistance. I am very grateful. Good evening Mr Darcy." With a quick curtsy she spun around, striding over to the door and slipping back into the ballroom in such a rush that Darcy could only stare at her retreating figure in surprise at her abrupt and formal exit.

The Compromising of Elizabeth Bennet: A pride and prejudice variationWhere stories live. Discover now