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They were not expecting a guest so when they heard the sound of the bell Manik turned into bodyguard mode,

Manik- stay here Nandini I will check

Nandini just nodded her head whereas Manik moved towards the door.

Manik took his gun out and checked the doorway to see fab 4 he has already known they will be here but not this soon, and opened the door.

Manik- I did not expect you guys here

Cabir- Aryaman said you have your grandparent's house hidden in the hills so we thought why not see it with our own eyes.

Saying that one by one they started entering inside

Navya- wow manik this house is really beautiful.

Aryaman gave a sorry look before entering Manik just shaked his head in no

Dev- pretty big house for an event coordinator(with a smirk on his face)(manik's position in space academy)

Manik- well my grandparents were a little well off( turning to everyone) settle down everyone.

Manik took a breath and turned to see around the house, he knew this will come but not this soon, Nandini was staring at Manik continuously, Manik turned to her and smiled and that comforted her and she smiled back.

Manik- so what do you guys wanna eat

Navya - are you going to cook Manik

Manik- no i will order in

With everyone telling what they want Manik moved into the kitchen to order and signaling Aryaman to keep an eye on everyone.

Manik placed the order and called Sudhir to ask about the status of the proof, but no positive answer from the other side. Though frustrated, Manik told him to keep searching they will find something. After finishing the call Manik joined others and sat beside Nandini.

Nandini- Arya (Aryaman turned towards her) I left my guitar in the car can you get it for me, please.

Aryaman smiled and left to bring the guitar. Nandini smiled differently, she is not dumb she knows one person in the room wants to kill her, she thought why not try something to bring her out.

Mukti- why do you need a guitar now

Nandini- Manik liked a tune from our concert so much so I want to play it for him, what better time while we wait for food

Others were giving them teasing smiles but Manik panicked and nodded his head in NO but Nandini gave him a cunning smile telling" see what I am going to do"

Aryaman soon returned with the guitar and Nandini started tuning and adjusting it. Within a minute the entire living room was busting with the sound of the melodic tune of her guitar.

Yes everyone guessed it right it was the same tune that Manik identified in the concert.

Apparently, this tune was harshad's favorite tune, he made it to propose to his girlfriend, where everyone was busy indulging in the music the trio(Manik, Aryaman, and dev) was drowning in harshad's memories. Dev was missing him much more, if anyone in the room spent more time with Harshad then that has to be dev. Not to let the situation out of control Aryaman stopped Nandini in between

Aryaman- who made this tune

Nandini- why do you ask that (giving Manik a look)

Aryaman- I have heard it somewhere before

Cabir- no ways we make our own music

Manik- no I have heard it too

Dhruv- I don't think so, just because you can sing it does not mean whatever you say is correct.

Aryaman- I am not joking we have heard it 2 years back

Navya- maybe there is a mistake, it might just have a similar tune

Manik(took a deep breath)- we had a friend (Nandini held his hand) it was his tune, he made it for a special person.

Manik's thought - it is time

Manik took out his phone and played a video of them all four of them (yes Manik, Aryaman, Harshad, and dev) playing and helping Harshad to perfect the tune.

The shock was an understatement for everyone over there, even Nandini was shocked to see dev with them. She wondered Are they, enemies or friends.

Dhruv - what the hell, so he(pointing to dev) is with you guys, we all are being cheated.

Dev- mind you Dhruv I am not a cop, but a cold-blooded criminal, he(Manik) might let you go but not me.

Dhruv lost all the colors from his face and sat down.

Cabir- if the video is true and someone has already played it then we will be charged with plagiarism.

Aryaman- but no one is telling me who came up with the tune

Fab 5 exchanged looks with one another

Nandini- Manik aliya was the one who came up with the tune

manik(turning to aliya)- so aliya

Before he could complete his sentence aliya interrupted

Aliya- no manik don't you dare to accuse me, I never stole anything it can just be a coincidence.

Dev- so much for coincidence (with a smirk)

It looks like aliya lost the colors of her face, all were waiting for an explanation but aliya clearly was not ready to speak

Aliya- I just came up with that, if you want then ask Dhruv.

Dhruv- yes I clearly remember her playing she was even correcting the tune

Now Dhruv's statement put them in a difficult position, they don't know if one of them is lying or both of them are involved in this together.

Can they conclude that aliya is one of the women involved???

Before the others could react, there was a loud sound of window breaking that broke their attention.

Aryaman and dev soon on their feet to check the matter, Manik brought Nandini closer and stayed put. It was like sooner or later they will be attacked. But the question remains: who can be madam?

Before anybody could react the entire living room was filled with a mist, soon everyone started losing their consciousness. 

Here is the next chapter?

How is it, so many mysteries are going to unveil, wait for it?

If you guys have any questions, please leave an inline comment, I will be more than happy to answer and have a discussion.

Happy Reading.,



MANAN- MY BODYGUARD IS MY DREAM BOY(Under editing)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن