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I figured it out
I figured it out from black and white
Seconds and hours
Maybe they had to take some time
- You and I, One Direction

A little while later, Quinn's friends came to pick her up. Quinn passionately kissed Dash before waving Ellie goodbye and leaving her alone with Pasta.

The silence in the house gave her time to reflect on the events of this morning and sort out her feelings. First of all, Quinn had apologized for her behavior. Secondly, Ellie believed her. Maybe it was foolish of her to be so naive and trusting but she thought that Quinn had seemed remorseful and truly sorry. And if she really thought about it, Quinn's last snarky remark had been over a week ago. That was not a long time in itself but maybe it was proof that she took some time to think about this.

Also, Ellie did not want to be the on to ruin this. If Quinn offered her a second chance and a new start, it would be stupid not to take that chance. If her host wanted to make peace, she was all in. For weeks, she had wished for them to live in peaceful coexistence and now Quinn was not only offering that to her but also apologized and said she wanted to be friends.

Still, for the whole month of January, she had insulted Ellie whenever she had the chance and treated her like an intruder. And even though she had explained her actions, Ellie could not forget that all these things happened. "Forgiven but never forgotten"; right?

But while she normally used to dread Quinn's return home, Ellie now found herself calmly awaiting it. She was interested in learning more about the blonde girl and talking to her. Quinn had been so open and honest with her this morning, Ellie felt bad thinking about rejecting her.

She shouldn't, she knew that. But she had always been a very forgiving person. Her dislike for fights and bad blood made her desperate for peace. So when someone apologized to her, she always accepted the apology and tried to fix things between them. Sometimes, this trait got the better of her and was the reason why she kept in touch with toxic people. But she had a good feeling about this. Besides, there was no way out of this, she would not be able to avoid Quinn even if she tried. It was probably best to at least give her this one chance.

The blonde girl returned earlier that day, already around two. Her cheeks were flushed from the cold and there was snow in her hair, melting into tiny droplets and she got out of her skiing clothes.
"I'm just going to take a quick shower if that's okay," she announced, "you can wait in my room."

Before Ellie could give a response other than nod her head, Quinn had already disappeared. Ellie slowly went up the stairs after her and opened the door to Quinn's room. Pasta, who Quinn had carried upstairs and then left in her room, came wobbling to the door when he saw it open. He was a little less excited once he noticed it was not his owner who entered but nevertheless happy to see Ellie. She petted the small dog carefully and then awkwardly looked around the room.

She had caught glimpses of the room every now and then but had never entered it. And most of the times when the door was open, it was because Quinn was entering or leaving the room at the same time as Ellie — which was why Ellie would usually drop her gaze and try not to stare.

The room was comfortable and screamed 'Quinn' in every way possible. From the choice of furniture, to the color scheme and the carefully picked out decorations, everything fit perfectly to the girl. And — Ellie inhaled discreetly — it also smelled like her and the perfume she used.

Next to the door, the right side against the wall under the sloping roof, stood a big bed with lots of pillows and thick blankets. Next to that was a desk made out of light wood and a cozy white chair. On the left side of the door stood a shelf that almost touched the ceiling and was stuffed with all kinds of things. Books, jewelry and makeup, a camera and two open boxes full of printed photographs, a volleyball and dog toys and treats. On the left wall there was a built-in closet very similar to the one in Ellie's room. Clothes spilled out of the right door, most of them being skiing clothes. There were polaroids all over the walls, most of them showing Quinn with her friends, Pasta, the landscape outside or aesthetic shots like skis leaning against a wall. There was a small coffee table next to a huge armchair in front of the big glass doors (which led to a small balcony) and Ellie chuckled when she saw that the chair was covered in clothes as well.

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