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She told me that she loved me by the water fountain
She told me that she loved me and she didn't love him
- Water Fountain, Alec Benjamin

Ellie did not know where she would have to start with 'talking' so she just waited and stared at Quinn. The other girl kneaded her hands and stared at her lap for a little while before looking up at Ellie. There were tears in her eyes.

"I'm a lesbian," she confessed, "and you're the first person to know."

Even though this was more than just a little surprising to her, Ellie merely nodded and gave Quinn a reassuring smile and a nod while she waited for her to continue. Quinn paused for a moment and then took a deep breath. When she spoke up again, the tears had left her eyes and it was very audible in her strained voice that she was desperately trying not to cry.

"I've known for some years now," she continued, "I figured it out quite early despite the... efforts of my parents to keep me away from... things like that."

Suddenly, the conversation they had in the bus made a lot more sense to Ellie. 'I really want to' she had said when Ellie suggested standing up for LGBTQ+ people; 'I'm just... scared'.

"You mean...?"

Quinn nodded miserably.

"They're homophobic," she said, "not the worst kind. I don't think they'd kick me out or send me to conversion therapy or some cruel shit like that. But... it would really put a strain on our relationship. That's why I want to leave as soon as I can. So I can be free. So I can be myself."

"Speaking of relationships," Ellie remembered, "what about Dash?"

"I love Dash, I really do," Quinn smiled a sad smile, "but only as a friend. He's... I guess you could call him my beard. He's a great guy, he's just..."

She fell silent.

"A dude?" Ellie offered and Quinn nodded.

"It would break his heart if he knew," she sighed heavily and then looked up again, "he doesn't know. None of my friends do. As I said, you're the first person I've ever told about my sexuality."

"I'm very grateful that you trust me enough to tell me," Ellie offered some reassurance. She knew how important it was to make the other person feel like their coming out was appreciated by the person they had just told. Quinn smiled again through her tears but this time it seemed a little relieved.

"I'm sorry for lying about all this," Quinn gestured between Ellie and herself.

"All of this?" Ellie echoed, mimicking Quinn's hand movement, "What do you mean?"

Quinn's face took on a startled expression, as if she had just realized she shouldn't have said anything at all. Ellie knew pressuring Quinn would not get her anywhere, so she pat the mattress next to her and waited until the other girl had taken the spot. Quinn immediately hugged her knees to her chest, she looked a lot smaller than she usually did. They sat in silence for a little while, Ellie's gaze lingered on Quinn attentively. Finally, Quinn began to speak without looking up.

"I-i lied to you... about a lot of things."

It was obvious that this confession took her a lot of courage and was not easy for her.

"I..." Quinn inhaled sharply and wiped over her eyes, "I don't even know where to start so that it doesn't get all confusing and chaotic."

"I don't mind that," Ellie said gently, "just talk to me, I'll listen. And if I don't understand something, I'll just ask, okay?"

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