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When the workin' day is done
Oh girls, they wanna have fun
- Girls Just Want to Have Fun, Cyndi Lauper

In the following days and weeks, Ellie and Quinn gradually began to spend more time with each other. They quickly developed a routine of getting up around 8am, when the sun had already risen, to eat breakfast together and chat about the upcoming day. On weekends, they would get up a bit later and eat together with their parents before either going out or up to their rooms. Quinn still worked in the restaurant most nights and went skiing with her friends at least twice a week but Ellie did not mind that at all.

After a day of not being together, they had even more to talk about. But even on the fourth day in a row of sitting in Quinn's room with tea and cookies they never ran out of things to talk about. It was quite funny how well they clicked now that they both made an effort.

Ellie found that she grew to actually really like Quinn. The other girl was shyer than Ellie had first expected but got very energetic when she talked about things she was passionate about. She often used her hands to emphasize what she was talking about, moving her slim fingers to match the words that came out of her mouth. She was also a really funny person, always had a funny story or anecdote to tell that would have Ellie wheezing and crying with laughter. Quinn herself had the best laugh Ellie had ever heard, a mixture of quiet breathing and loud squealing that always made Ellie laugh as well. When she laughed, Quinn would throw her head back and cover her mouth with her hand.

She assured Ellie that she did not do it because she was embarrassed of her laugh but out of habit. Still, Ellie noticed that Quinn did not laugh like this around the adults, probably because she was not as familiar with Ellie's parents.

It was weird that not even a month ago, they considered one another enemies and now Ellie looked forward to every minute she could spend with the blonde-haired girl. They often took walks around Frostfields or went over to Lone Pine. There was not much to do in the small town behind the mountains either but Quinn showed Ellie around, they went to the cinema a couple of times and spent hours in the library, going through all kinds of books together. They went to the small museum that was in Lone Pine, quietly wandering through the deserted rooms on a Tuesday morning. Generally, when the house was peaceful and quiet during the week, they would sit on the couch, watch movies all day and consume tons of popcorn and, of course, tea.

Quinn had a liking for the weirdest of tea flavors. She did not stop at green tea or lemon-ginger tea, oh no! Some of her favorites included strawberry tea, tomato mint, caramel nougat, cucumber citrus and pineapple vanilla. Ellie began making fun of her in a friendly way when Quinn headed straight for the tea shop in Lone Pine, only to choose yet another flavor she had never tried before. Most of the times, the ones she took where either samples that never got made into a 'regular' product or the shelf was full of bags because nobody wanted that specific tea. When Quinn asked her if she wanted to try, Ellie often took a cup, too, but she found that most of the time, the flavors were a little too 'special' for her liking.

Sometimes, Ellie would prepare a cup of tea for Quinn to drink after her work shift. She went straight to bed most of the times and even told Ellie not to wait up for her but some days she texted Ellie that she would be coming home a little earlier. Those nights, the two girls went upstairs with their teas and quietly whispered while sitting on Quinn's bed while their parents where already sleeping. It were the times at which their talks got more personal than ever during the day. Maybe it was the atmosphere surrounding it, the thrill of not being able to be too loud and the darkness that made it seem like they were the only two people in the world. Or in the house, at least.

Quinn also asked Ellie to go skiing together a couple more times and Ellie did want to but something always seemed to thwart their plans. At first it was the weather, because Ellie did not want her first time skiing to take place during a snow storm, then they made other plans with Quinn's friends (who Ellie now really liked to hang out with, just not as much as she did with Quinn alone) and then Pasta threw up in the middle of the night again and had to be brought to the vet in Lone Pine the next morning.

Ellie & Quinn ❄️ || WLW (Eng)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ