Is he alright

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Sherlock came over two hours ago and has been sitting in the kitchen since. Myc is out at a meeting so it just the two of us sitting there.

"Are you okay?" He just nods and continues to stare at nothing.

"Gregory why is my brother here?" I hear Myc ask as he walks in the kitchen. I look at Sherlock and shrug.

"He hasn't said much other than he needs to speak with you."

Myc nods and sits next to me at the table. "Sherlock why are you here?" He asks.

"John asked me if I had a death wish and I didn't give him an answer." Sherlock says and I get confused.

"Why would he ask you that? Also how do you not have an answer?"

The two of them look at me for a moment before Myc places a hand on my own.

"Sherlock was born with a disease that attacks his heart and his brain. Currently there is no cure for it and he has yet to say anything about it to John or Mrs. Hudson. It messes with him to the point that regular tasks such as eat get brushed aside." Myc says and I look at Sherlock.

"The headaches and sudden heart rate spikes are all apart of this disease of yours?" He nods and looks at me.

"Lestrades I don't have an answer because I've never had an answer. I've never had an answer and at my rate I never will. The ones I care for always pay for my mistakes and when I go I will be setting them free. But then when I look back at what happened a few years ago I see that you all still suffered. We all go eventually but I will before you all no doubt. I can't say anything that will make you less mad at me for not saying anything before." He says.

"How long."

"What?" Sherlock and Myc ask.

"How long."

"10 years give or take." He says and I see Myc stiffen.

"Just a week ago it was 20. What the hell happened?" Myc demands and his knuckles turn white.

"My mistake that I was raised by bastards that just live to make things worse! They came by again and just one correct punch fucked with everything! The early symptoms are starting soon so my time frame my be off." Sherlock says and stands up to leave.

"Tell John when you get the chance and I mean tell him everything." Myc says and Sherlock nods before leaving.

"How long before one of you said something?"

"The plan was to never tell you because we would find a cure. We have one being worked on but it's still going to take a few years." Myc says and stands up. "I'll be in my office if you need me Gregory." With a faint dismissal.

Mycroft knows I lied. Of course I lied, Graham or whatever was in the room with us. I have 5 years left and the cure won't be effective before then.

I get out of the cab and pay before walking inside 221B. I go to Mrs. Hudson's flat and open her door as I hear the timer on her oven ding.

"Oh Sherlock I wasn't expecting you. How are you dear?" She asks and smiles at me warmly.

"I'm alright Mrs. Hudson. How are you?"

"Oh I'm just fine. Can I get you anything to drink, or maybe you want something to eat? I just got done baking one of my pies you always seem to enjoy." She says and I smile a bit.

She takes that as the answer she needs and cuts me a slice before handing me the plate and a fork.

"Thank you Mrs. Hudson." I take a bit of the pie and enjoy listening to Mrs. Hudson go on about the new drama in town.

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