Chapter 2

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I can't believe this is happening. My mate is here and I ran from him. Oh my god, this cannot be true. Oh god. Oh god. Oh god.

Pacing around my room, I swear I was making tracks.

A sudden banging on my door, startled me. "Dakota, honey, please come out. We need to talk to you," my Mom called.

"No, I'm not coming out. You can't make me! I screamed.

Pressing my ear to the door, I could hear voices arguing.

"She's mine! She belongs with me!" a voice bellowed.

"Dakota is my sister! And this is my house! Do not disrespect me!" Devon shouted.

It sounded like my father stepped between them. "Alright, that's enough. The both of you just back off. I know my daughter, Alpha Morgan. She won't come right to you. Let us speak to her."

I heard a loud grunt. "Fine. I want this resolved!"

The front door slammed shut.

"Dakota!" my brother's voice howled.

"Devon, be reasonable with her," my mother pleaded. "You know how she is."

Backing up, I sat down on the floor, my back against the bed facing the window. If Devon wanted in, he's surely break the door down. Wouldn't be the first time. I have this nasty habit of defying him.

More pounding on the door. "Open the door, Dak. We need to talk!" Devon demanded.

I sighed in resignation. "Fine," I grumbled.

Opening the door, Devon was completely pissed. His eyes were black and his wolf, Royce  was in control. "Dakota," he growled.

"Royce, I'd like to speak to my brother like civilized wolves, please," I said, crossing my arms.

He took a breath, and his eyes shifted back to their emerald green. "Can we talk?"

Backing up, I sat on my bed and Devon took a place next to me. "You know who was here today?" I nodded. "Obviously, you realize that you are his mate." I nodded again. "I'm also aware of what and how you think of yourself." Shooting him a look, I then looked over to Ashley who was leaning against the door frame. "Yes, Ashley has told me—"

"Damn it, Ash!" I moaned.

"Hey, he's my mate. I'm going to be honest if I'm worried about his sister. And I'm very worried about you. You're my friend and I want to protect you," she said, slight worry in her voice.

Devon put his arm around me, holding me. "Listen to me, there is nothing wrong with you. So you're smaller than most wolves. So you're little brother is bigger than you. Dak, you're still of Alpha blood and none of that matters. You knew full well this day would come and you have to accept it."

"Easy for you to say, Dev. Look at you compared to me, its pathetic. You expect an Alpha to accept me. You must be delusional," I spat.

My mother stepped in. "That's enough, Dakota. You're the daughter of an Alpha and a Luna. I don't want to hear it anymore!"

Getting up, I walked past all of them. "I need a run," I mumbled.

Stepping outside, I could feel the dampness in the air. Rain was coming but I didn't mind. I like the rain. It calms me down.

Walking into the woods, I stripped down leaving my clothes by a tree and shifted into my wolf, Viola . My wolf is white and I have one black front paw and the tip of my tail is black. Odd, I know.

I took off running into the woods, remembering where the borders are so I don't over step. Not that it matters. The Black Forest Pack is the nearest pack to us. Even if I did cross, nothing would happen.

I kept going until I came across a small lake. Laying down, I took a deep breath, still absorbing all the information that had been thrown at me in such a small time.

'You know we have to go to our mate,' Viola said.

'Leave me alone, Viola,' I said back.

There was a snapping branch behind me, and I snapped my attention to a large auburn wolf with icy blue eyes.

'Mate' Viola said.

'I'm aware of that, thank you,' I snapped.

Jason shifted back in front of me, standing in all his glory. "Shift," he commanded.

In fear, I backed up. I was so small compared to him. I didn't want him to see me naked. Reluctantly, I shifted. Lifting my chin, I was feeling brave. "Who are you to order me around in my territory?"

He chuckled. "I was told to come out here, and just so you know, you are dangerously close to my border."

"I'll be going now," I said, walking away from him.

"This is the second time you've walked away from me. Why?" he asked.

I stopped, my back facing him. "Because I'm not who you're looking for. Give it up Alpha Morgan." With that, I started running and shifted into my wolf, and ran home.

Stopping at the tree where my clothes were, I quickly put them back on right before the deluge started. Running in the house, I saw my parents in the living room and my brother was on the phone pacing around.

"I'm home," I called.

"Oh my goddess, Dakota. You're safe!" Mom exclaimed.

My Dad rolled his eyes. "Oh leave her, Karin. She just went for a run. Relax."

"Did Jason find you?" Devon asked, on my left.

My fists clenched. Seriously, he sent him into the woods to find me. Why on Earth would he do that? "You sent him? Why?"

"Because you need to accept the fact that he is your mate," he stated. "I know you don't feel like you're worth anything but obviously, he wants to be with you. For once in your life, think of the pack and not your petty nonsense!"

I was taken aback at his words, I can't believe he said that to me. Who the hell does he think he is? I mean other than the Alpha of the pack. "Well, fuck you Devon!" I shouted.

Dead silence took over and I stormed upstairs to my room and slammed the door shut.

Fuck you, Devon.

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