Chapter 18

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A nightmare woke me with a start. 

Looking around, I wondered how I got into bed. Seeing Jason in the bed next to me, my question was answered. He must have carried me to bed. I do remember falling asleep watching a movie. 

What was that nightmare about? 

Everything was blurry around me. All I could hear were screams, but I couldn't tell where or whom they were coming from. There was darkness all around me; engulfing me. 

It's over now.

I'm where I'm supposed to be. 

Peering out the window, I see the sun isn't up yet. Glancing over to the alarm clock, it's only 3:45am; oh goddess. Laying back down, I cuddled up close to Jason. "You alright, baby?" he sleepily asked. 

"Just a nightmare," I answered. "I'm okay now."

Wrapping his arms completely around me, I feel safe and warm. I'm a lucky wolf to have a man like him. Jason's soft snoring lulled me back to sleep, thankfully. We have a big day today.

~later that day~

Our house was quiet when we went downstairs. It was nice to not have all the people in the world on our house. Jason made us breakfast, but we were silent. I think we were both reveling in the idea that we would have some peace before our family, friends, and packs were here. 

I was still quite perturbed about the night I had last night; bothered about who was screaming and why. It made me worry about Trevor, and what sort of trouble he was in. Not daring to tell Jason, I had a feeling he was worried about me too.

As we ate, we kept exchanging glances. Grabbing his plate, I placed them both in the sink. When my back was turned, I heard a slight growl come from him. It didn't even occur to me that my panties were showing; when I stood up, I pulled up my shirt, showing my backside.

With my back still turned, I giggled to myself. "See something you like?"

I didn't even have time to react before I was swooped off my feet. Jason threw me over his shoulder like a sack. I could sense his arousal which urged mine forward.  

Throwing my gently on the bed, Jason slammed the door behind him with a mischievous look on his face. Sliding back on the bed,  I waited for him to pounce. He was drinking me in, before he stalked towards me. 

Feeling brazen, I lifted myself to my knees, sliding my hands under his t-shirt, feeling his muscles. Dipping his head back, his eyes closed and his chest rumbled. Planting soft kisses on his abs made him growl louder. "You don't know what you do to me," he purred softly. Moving upward, I continued to lift his shirt, kissing, nibbling and sucking on him. Pausing, I looked up at him to see his eyes had shifted to black; Jackson. 

Smirking, I lifted his shirt off. Standing on the bed, I ran my hands over his shoulders, feeling every single muscle under my fingertips. Pressing my forehead to his, I trembled slightly, feeling his calloused hands meet my skin. Raising my arms, Jackson lifted my shirt. Wrapping his arms around me, he cradled my body, laying me down gently on the bed. Raking his eyes hungrily over me, he dove immediately into a passionate kiss. My nails trailed down his back, as our tongues danced in each other's mouths. 

Starting to move down, he sucked and nibbled on my mark, making my hips buck upwards. The sensation was so pleasurable; a loud moan escaped my lips. Kissing down my body, he extended his arm upward to keep my hips down. Tugging my panties, a loud growl left me. "Tell me what you want, baby," Jackson purred. 

Tangling my fingers in his hair, I already felt breathless. "Please--" 

"Tell me," he said, more forcefully. 

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