Chapter 19

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Taking everything I need into the spare bedroom down the hall, I hoped that the ceremony wouldn't be long. I don't like having attention on me. 

A knock on the door got my attention. 

"Come," I said. 

Ashley came bounding in, looking very well-dressed. She bought a beautiful mint colored dress, coming to just above her knees, with small straps, and a V-neck. I was in awe of my best friend; my brother was a lucky wolf. "Hey, Dak!" she beame, hugging me tightly. 

"Ash." Hugging my friend back, she was squeezing the life out of me.

Separating, she put down a ton of make-up, a curling iron, and come pins. Rubbing my temples, I already don't want to do this. Granted, this was necessary, but it seems like a lot of work for a couple hours. 

"Come sit here." She patted the chair by the vanity. Cracking her knuckles, she was ready to make me into the best Luna I could be.

Opening her palettes, I cringed at the thought of having all this make-up on my face. Damn all the damn formalities. Rather than bitch about it, I stayed still and allowed Ashley to make me over. It's been so long since we did this sort of thing. Ashley used make-up; still don't know why. She's a beautiful girl, one of the many reasons that Devon is so in love with her. Other than the fact that they are mates. From the time we were young, Devon always had a thing for her. It was coincidental that she was my best friend. 

"Alright, all done," she said, finishing up my mascara. "Time for hair." The smile that came across her face instilled some fear in me. "When I'm done with you, Dak, no one will be able to look away."

The heat from the curling iron made me uncomfortable. Please don't burn me, Ash. Another ten minutes went by before she turned me to face the mirror. I was in awe of how I looked. Tears threatened to escape. "Oh my goddess."

"You hate it?" she asked, slumping her shoulders. 

"No, Ash! I love it!" Jumping up, I pulled her into a hug. "You're the best."

Another knock pulled us from our moment. "Dakota, it's time to go down." The voice belonged to Anthony. 

Ashley stepped out, and bounded down the stairs. Anthony came forward, looking good. No wonder his son is good-looking. He gave me a soft smile. "Are you ready?" 

Butterflies started in my stomach, and I started to feel queasy. "I'm nervous." I let out a nervous chuckle. 

Offering me the crook of his arm, I took it. "Don't worry. You'll do beautifully." His reassuring words made me smile, and he patted my hand. 

Chatter came from outside which was silenced when Anthony and I stepped out. Jaws dropped. Looking to my parents, my mother was crying, and my father swelled his chest in pride. Devon was nodding his head at me. Further up, Jason was standing on the stage with his mother. Damn, he looked good. He was wearing dark jeans, a white button down with the top two buttons undone.

Walking up the stairs, I had to stop myself from drooling gazing at my handsome mate. Holding his hand out, I took it. Anthony took his place next to his wife. 

"Members of the Black Forest Pack, and Moon Goddess Pack," his voice boomed, "we are gathered here to celebrate my mate, and our New Luna, Dakota Mayfield." All the wolves howled in response. "In the short time that we have been together, she has made an impact on myself, and the members of this pack. Now she is here to officially take her place at my side." Howls resounded through all the wolves, my brothers included. 

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Jason reach into his pocket, pulling out a small box. Oh my, goddess. Getting down on one knee, I gasped at him. "Dakota Mayfield, would you do me the honor of becoming Mrs. Jason Morgan? I promise to honor, and love you all the days of my life until my death. I promise to make you the happiest woman on Earth, give you as many pups as you want--"

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