Chapter 38- Tension

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To say that the ride home had been awkward....

Would probably be the understatement of the century.

In all truth, as soon as Conner pulled up beside us and saw the three of us- two of us not even bothering to attempt to act sober- loitering outside what was painfully obvious to be a night cub, I had almost expected him to lunge at me and throw me over his shoulder like a cave man.

But besides the subtle tick of his jaw as he took in the scene and told us to get in, he made no moves what-so-ever to reprimand and/or lecture me.

Now I know what you're thinking.

Conner, my best friend and boyfriend, not scolding me for throwing caution to the wind and getting completely trashed before dinner? It sounds like a total non-Conner move.

Well you would be right.

Because even though he had just arrived, he had obviously tasted the agonizingly-thick tension between a certain, very drunk, pair sitting in the backseat.

Neither had spoken since the 'incident' in the parking lot, and I was starting to become concerned. I mean, sure, Alex had made it quite clear about her blatant distaste for the overly-confident blond boy. But to be honest, I was actually starting to miss when they bickered like an old married couple.

Because the silence was suffocating.

Behind where Conner and I sat in the front seat, Alex and Jerry were clearly unhappy about being squished into the tiny back seat together, both leaning towards their windows in an attempt to put more distance between each other.

But in Conner's tiny car, their efforts were futile.

So instead, they merely ignored each others presence, only sending the other an occasional death glare but not saying anything. The tension was so dense between the two hot-heads, that I bet that I could cut through it like butter by merely opening my mouth.

But I was too nervous to make a move, and it looked like Conner was to.

I rode home in silence, unsure of whether or not I was scared of the two time-bombs in the backseat, or grateful that they were there to delay my sure-to-come lecture. Probably a little bit of both.

As we pulled up in front of Lilly's white-picket house, Alex and Jerry took no time in leaping out of the car and storming up the driveway, refusing to make eye contact with each other.

Knowing Alex, she would probably end up staying the night there, while Jerry got a ride home from his brother.

The rest of the ride home was silent, and I mentally prepared myself for the scolding that was sure to come at any given moment. But surprisingly enough, when we had made it back to my house, Conner still hadn't said a peep.

And as usual, I spoke too soon.

As soon as Conner helped me half-stumble upstairs, ignoring the suspicious looks from a certain pair of twins in the living room, Conner pounced.

He shut the door to my room and turned to me with his arms crossed over his chest, a scowl evident on his face.

"What the hell were you thinking?"

I rolled my eyes, leaning back on my bed and staring up at my ceiling, still feeling slightly tipsy. Maybe is I ignored him, he would leave me alone at least until I was sober.

But Conner had other plans.

"Selena Rider!" He scolded me like a child, marching over to look down at my face. "You better answer me!"

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