2. Following Commands

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Chapter two - Following Commands


Silence was what was surrounding the four of us.

Until Allison broke the silence. "Let's get some food Scar," I nod quickly standing up.

As we walked away I could hear Axel murmuring something to Seth.

"Tell me you don't find of this awkward?" I asked grabbing an apple.

"That's only because it's the first time everyone meeting since middle school." Eh, she had a point. "Look I'm going to pay for my lunch, I'll meet you at the table." I nod, I grab a bottle of water and a sandwich.

I saw someone grabbing a sandwich next to me, which made me look at the person.


He came closer to me, I wander if the rumours about him are true?

"Listen, since the both of our friends are in a relationship. It would make perfect sense if were nice to each other, that's the least thing we could do for them." I give him a small nod as this was uncomfortable me talking to him. "Plus it gives you the bonus of being with me." I looked at him as he gave me a wink.

I narrowed my eyes at him. "What makes you think I enjoy being with you?" I asked with my arms crossed over my chest, with one eyebrow raised.

He smirked. "Every girl in this high school has the hots for me."

"Pfftt, there more likely scared." I scoffed, lightly chuckling at the end.

He came closer to me as I scanned if anyone was staring unfortunately there wasn't.

"Babe, I fucked nearly all of these girls, they are not scared of me." I blushed when he called me babe and also scrunched my nose in disgust when he told me about, all of the girls he had used.

Realising how close he was to me, I pushed him away. "Haven't you ever heard of personal space?" amused expression was plastered on his face.

"Touché." He said putting his hands up in surrender.

I move away from him and pay for my lunch.

I walk over to Allison and Seth as I come into their conversation.

Allison looked at me giving me a look, I was confused. "So how was the conversation with Axel." I stopped opening the package of my sandwich, as I look at Seth.

He looked at me surprised.

I give him a sarcastic apology. "I'm sorry to say this but your best friend is very full of himself." Seth chuckled, while Allison looked down.

"Hey no worries." He continued. "Actually you're the first girl to say this about him." I nod not knowing what else to say back to him.

Axel finally came back sitting down next to me.

He had brought his lunch along with him, as I stared at how much he was about to eat/

He looked up at me and smirked, "Talking about me, Babe?"

I blushed as I pressed my lips in a thin line.

Allison chocked on her food. Everyone looked at her in concern, well when I say everyone I meant me and Seth. Axel was too busy eating.

"Babe?" Allison chocked out looking at me.

I sighed narrowing my eyes at Axel, who was smiling at me.

Oh god.


I arrived home after Jake finished practice, I felt bad for not being there for him in the morning, so I stayed after school.

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