Chapter Fifteen

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Hey guys, I'm back! Really sorry for being MIA for such a long time. Anyway, here is Chapter Fifteen. You guys are going to want to kill me for this muahahaha but I just can't help it. So to make it up, I'm posting Chapter Sixteen as well :) Enjoy! 

4 years ago

"Hey Belle, can you tell me more about mates?" Lily looked at me with curious eyes as she laid her head onto my belly.

I smiled, stroking her hair. "Of course, what do you want to know about?" 

"Everything!" She exclaimed with a soft yawn she tried to cover.

Stifling my laughter, I obliged my little sister. "Alright, let's start from the very beginning. Before we are even born, we are all matched with someone else, and that person will be our mate, our soul mate, our other half. After the male turns 16, his mate will be able to tell that they are mates when they meet. And the female will have to tell the male that they are mates and the male can confirm their bond with a single kiss. Sparks will fly and tingles will erupt and they will know that they have found their other half. They will finally be whole, together. When both of them are ready, they will mark each other... right here." 

I paused and used my finger nails to nick a small spot above her left collarbone, causing her to let out a small giggle. 

"And then everyone out there will know that they belong to each other." I finished.

She was quiet for a while, I would have thought she was asleep if not for her question. "What will it feel like to find your other half?" She asked, her voice softer than before. 

Hey my Bella, where are you? I just finished with Dad. Adri sent me through our mind link.

I'm helping Lily go to sleep. I gave him a quick reply before answering Lily's question. 

"Well, according to Luna Rose, it will be amazing and beautiful, to be able to find someone you can trust and depend on wholeheartedly. He or she will be your best friend and confidant, and you will love each other so much you will know that you will do anything just to make the other person happy." I explained, the words tumbling out of my mouth the exact same that came from Rose's when I was the same age as Lily, asking the same question, wide-eyed and curious.

What she told me blew my mind and from then on, I could hardly wait to find my own mate - someone who will love me as much as the love my dad has for my mum and Uncle John has for Rose.

Soft snoring broke my reverie and I smiled, happy to see that Lily had fallen asleep.

Gently, I lifted her head from my belly onto her pillow. She let out a small mew and hugged her boaster called 'pinkie' tighter. Tucking her in her blanket, I gave her a small kiss on her forehead and whispered into her ear. 

"Good night Lil, sleep tight and don't let the bed bugs bite."

A small smile found its way onto her face. Satisfied, I tiptoes out of the room.

"Hey Hon, how's our daughter? Asleep?"

I didn't need to turn around to know who it was. Hitting him on his chest playfully, I fake-glared at him, "Who's your 'Hon'? Lily's asleep so keep your voice down."

He only smiled at me with that stupid smirk of his and brought me into his arms. "Awww, someone's jealous that I didn't spend any time with her today."

"Don't be stupid, I'm tired and I'm going to bed."

"Okay, let's go," he smiled, pulling us to the direction of my room.

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