Chapter Nine

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New update!!! :) Not much action in here but it gives some more insight on Adri's thoughts. Can't wait to hear what you think!

Seven years ago

It was a Saturday evening and we were having a party for God knows what reason. No, actually we were having a party because someone suggested it. The whole place was decorated beautifully, thanks to Darlene and me who had spent the whole day working on it. There were candles all over the backyard garden and christmas lights hanging from the trees, looking like fairy lights in the dark night. A table was set up at the side filled with food specially prepared by Rose, my mother and Nina, Chase's mother. 

Everyone from the pack were home. Usually, everyone had different things to do and it was hard to have everyone all at home, unless there was a party like this or a pack meeting where Uncle John would have announcements and updates for us. Tonight was not a special day, but the weather was lovely and everyone was home, that made it special to me.

We were all dressed up properly and everyone was having great fun. The adults were having champagne while they chatted with each other while the kids were indulging themselves with the food. 

I was dressed in a pure while flowing dress that had a plain design with small crystals running across right below my chest and a ribbon tied behind my back. Dar wore a baby pink dress that had the exact same design as mine with a huge pink ribbon pinned to the side of her head. We had bought the dress together not too long ago. The boys wore a dress shirt and jeans, with Chase donning on a dark blue shirt and Adri with a white shirt. 

The food was amazing. After dinner, Chase, Darlene and I hung out in the living room while Adri went around talking to the adults. Adri had always taken his responsibility of being the future Alpha very seriously. He would socialise with all the adults when the occasion arises to make sure he maintained a very good relationship with everyone. Our pack was huge, but Adri still made sure that he knew everyone well. 

Chase and I, on the other hand, being the second and third in command couldn't care less. Okay, we did care, but we hated parties and socialising. We were currently playing a game of Scrabbles and it was Darlene's turn. She was frowning deeply, trying to think of a word but after a while, she groaned loudly and declared, "I give up!"

Chase sighed and suggested, "Let's do something else then, anyone up for video games?"

"Me!" Darlene immediately exclaimed. She looked really excited, she had just recently learnt how to play video games and now she loved it. 

But the problem was that it was a two player game. Chase looked at me, frowning, but I quickly said, "It's alright, you guys go ahead. Maybe I'll go look for Adri." 

The two of them nodded happily and went to the game room to play. I sighed, thinking of what I should do. 

Walking into the backyard, I was greeted by Lily's mum, Layla. Her faced was tinged with pink and she was smiling widely. When she saw me, she came forward to give me a big hug. "Thank you so much for taking care of Lily for me, you will be a great mother one day. Lily adores you so much!" 

"It's my pleasure, she's so cute and I really think of her as my little sister now!" I replied, smiling as i thought of that little chubby baby girl probably fast asleep in her cradle. 

"Well, she is very fortunate to have such a wonderful sister looking after her." She smiled back before taking her leave. 

Everyone was having a great time busking under the moonlight. My eyes zoomed in on the big tree at the corner of the garden. Smiling to myself, I made my way there quickly. Just as I was about to climb up the tree, a cough caught my attention. 

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