Chapter Two

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Hey guys! Thank you all so much for reading my story, I really appreciate it! Anyway, here's Chapter two and it's dedicated to all of you awesome people! Please continue to support me by reading, commenting and voting my stories! Thank you! xx 

10 years ago

"Bella!" I heard someone call out from above me. 

Looking up, I saw Adrian sitting on a tree branch, grinning at me cheekily.

Frowning, I said while crossing my arms "How many times must I tell you my name is Belle, not Bella."

"Opps, sorry," though I could tell that he clearly wasn't, "I was going to call you my Bella, there's a difference."

"No, there's no difference to me at all. I don't want to be Bella, definitely not your Bella. I'm just plain and simple Belle." I argued back.

"Whatever you want to say, my Bella." He just continued smirking his face off, from that high position I knew I could never reach.

I groaned in annoyance, looking at the boy who was one year older than me, the boy who would someday be the Alpha of our pack, the boy I would always be annoyed at for teasing me every time he could find the chance, yet he was also the boy I knew I could never live without.

That was Adrian, always beyond my reach.


After Adrian's outburst in the storeroom, I stood there for a very very long time. I did not know what to do, I did not know who I could ask for help. I wanted to cry, I wanted to scream out loud in frustration, but I couldn't do it. I didn't want to do it, because then, I would have admitted to myself that I have just lost my mate. I didn't want to believe it, I didn't want to admit that I had just lost my best friend.

Feeling the vibration of my phone, I sighed and reached for it. Getting out of the storeroom, I answered the call that was from my mum. 

"Hey mum," I said wearily. Looking around, I found that the hallway was practically deserted. I checked my watch and realised that it was almost 4. How long was I standing there? I thought to myself.

"What's wrong, Belle?" My mum asked, her voice so soft and gentle. It reminded me of how much I had missed her, how long it had been since I last saw her. 

"No, nothing - " I choked as my attempt of not crying fell short. 

"Oh honey! Are you crying? What happened, please tell me!" Worry was thick in her voice. 

I sniffed, before answering, "It's... it's nothing. I just missed you that's all."

"Aw, darling, I miss you too, I'm so so sorry I can't go back to see you anytime soon, I have too many things on my plate right now. I'm so sorry." My mum apologised profusely, she had always felt guilty for leaving me behind with the pack.

"Mum, you know it's not your fault. I chose to stay here on my own." I tried to comfort her.

"All right, we won't talk about that now. Tell me, what else is wrong? You were clearly upset when you answered the call."

"I... I just had some uh... disagreements with my friends?" I was hands down the worst liar on earth, I couldn't even convince myself that it sounded all right. It came out like a question and my mum knew me well enough to know when I was lying.

"Oh Belle... what happened?" 

"I don't - " And before I knew it, I broke down, right in the middle of the hallway. I thanked the stars that there were no one around. "Mummy, please help me, please tell me what to do? I'm so scared, please help me."

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