Part 3

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Morning came too quickly. Neither of them had slept much at all. Mackenzie ordered them some breakfast before they both headed down to the lobby.

"Morning girls." Robbie saw them come down the stairs.

"Morning, we ready to go?" Mack asked a little too bluntly.

"Well yes. We are just waiting on the pilots, we're going by helicopter."

"Really!?" It was the first smile Julz had seen come to her face since the day before. "Did you hear that?" Mack turned to her.

Julz smiled at her excitement. "You'll love it I'm sure."

Mackenzie turned back to Robbie. "I haven't been in a helicopter before. This is exciting!"

He laughed. "Then this will definitely be fun for you my girl!"

Watching the others arrive, Juliana touched her arm. Mack turned around. "I ah..." She reached down into her pocket. She pulled out a money card and a piece of paper. "It's the reason you came so I want you to enjoy yourself." She handed it over. Mack looked at the money card.


Juliana stopped her. "I'm happy to and I want to." Mack searched her eyes.

"Mack ready to go?"

"Ah-yeah," She smiled softly. "Bye."

"Hey!" Robbie stopped her. "Get back there and give your girl a kiss." Mackenzie stopped seeing the disapproval on his face. "Of you go." He waved.

Juliana looked up seeing her retracing her steps. Mack turned around and stepped into her. Julz gasped seeing her eyes fall to her lips.

Mack touched her cheek gently and leaned in taking her top lip in her own.

Juliana melted as a little groan escaped her throat. Mack didn't expect to hear that. Confidently she took Juliana's bottom lip between her own sucking it before she forced herself to stop.

Juliana opened her eyes feeling her pull back. "Mack..." She whispered placing her hand on the fingers on her cheek.

Mack bit her lip, her eyes falling to the ones she had just fallen in love with. "I'll see you later."

Juliana slipped her fingers into hers as Mack turned back around letting her hand go to leave with the others.

"Wow." A little smile came to her lips as she leaned against the stair well a little taken back. "You bitch," She laughed to herself feeling the tingle still in her mouth. "I knew you would get me with one kiss."


Mack sat there watching the ground coming closer. She'd had the most awesome time with the guys. There had been so many people there. And the bikes! It was like heaven. She did have one thing on her mind throughout the day though. Those lips she had kissed earlier. When Robbie had called her up on it she knew she wasn't going to get away with not doing it. She had the courage at that moment and just did it. She didn't realize how that one action was going to affect her for the rest of the day.

Juliana heard the rumble of the helicopters coming back.

She'd spend the day with the other ladies but couldn't get her mind off that kiss with Mackenzie. All she wanted was to see her again. Slipping her shoes back on, she made her way down to the lobby waiting for her.

They landed on the ground and started heading into the building. Juliana stood up on the stairs in the lobby waiting to see her come in. She caught her walking in with Robbie and another guy. She made her way down into the crowd, keeping her eyes on Mack. She squeezed past a couple of people and found herself standing in front of them. Mack caught the movement in front of her. The corners of her lips curled instantly. Juliana watched her face light up seeing her. She could feel the overwhelming warmth coming from the woman in front of her. She'd been waiting all day to feel this again.

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