Part 6

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The cab pulled up outside their home. Juliana looked up at the house.

"Home sweet home."

"Yeah, and back to roommates."

Juliana glanced at Mack next to her paying the cabbie. "Yeah, I know."

Lilly heard the front door click open. "Hey!" She jumped up off the couch. "Hi, guys welcome back." Mackenzie pulled Juliana's suitcase in behind her, her backpack over her shoulder.

"Hey, Lilz." Juliana chimed in her usual manner. Hearing noises Tayla and Mrs. Finn came into the living room.

After hugs, Mack looked at them all in the same room. "Look guys we've got something to say." Juliana turned around catching her eye. Mack wet her lips thinking about how to start. "We've had a pretty emotional few days so I want this out in the open." Julz started moving to stand next to her knowing what she was doing. "Umm." Juliana put her hand on her shoulder.

"You guys know how I've been seeing that guy Mac for the last week or two?"

"Yeah," Tayla responded. Julz and Mackenzie looked at each other.

"Guys meet Mack."

Silence. Lilly and Tayla looked at each other. They cracked up laughing. "Ha, you guys are hilarious!" Tayla pointed. Mrs. Finn watched Juliana sit down on the arm of the couch next to Mackenzie.

"You're serious aren't you?" She asked in shock.

"Yes," Mackenzie answered looking at Juliana beside her. "So..." She sighed starring at their laughing friends. "This doesn't change anything except..."

"We might be a little more affectionate with each other..." Juliana smiled at her.

"And I'm putting a lock on our bedroom door." Mack looked at Tayla and Lilly. "Both of them."

"Any questions?" Juliana looked at the stunned faces. Lilly smiled to herself. "I knew something was different about you two last week! I just didn't know...what." They saw the realization come to her face. "OoOh,"

"It's ok Lilz..." Mackenzie smiled. "I must be crazy right? I mean look... its Juliana!" She gave her best old-school Mack impression. "But..." She slipped her hand into Juliana's gently intertwining their fingers. She looked up at her lovingly. "She's always mattered to me. She's always been my Juliana."

"Aww." All three of them let out at the same time.

"You guys..." Tayla wrapped her arms around them. "You're so cute!"

"And I guess congratulations." Lilly joined the hug with her other three flatties.

They felt a sigh of relief being accepted by their oldest friends. They all turned and looked over at Mrs. Finn standing by the stairs. Julz squeezed Mack's hand getting up.

"It's ok Mrs. Finn; we weren't expecting this news to be easy for everyone. We know there are rules in this house and as long as we live here..." She glimpsed behind her at Mack. "We will live by them."

Mrs. Finn looked between the girls. Her sister Edna was old fashion. She had a feeling she wasn't going to like this. "Girls." She started. "I'm going to have to talk to Edna about this, it's still her house and the rules are still hers so..." She looked between them. "Anyone hungry? We need to get some dinner on."

"I'll help you." Tayla smiled.

"Me too." Julz smiled putting her hand on her shoulder.

Lilly joined Mack on the arm of the couch. "Soo..." She started. Mackenzie glanced over her shoulder.

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