Part 4

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"Is that yours? Mack! Your bag."

"Got it." Mackenzie reached over grabbing the bag of the conveyer belt. "That's all we had aye?"

"Yip Tayla should be out the front."

They headed out to the airport terminal arrivals lounge.

"Juliana!" Julz heard as she came out the door. Tayla was waving.

"Hi!" Juliana smiled hugging her.

"How was your trip?!"

"Wasn't long enough!" Mack smiled hugging her.

"Oh, trust me we have all missed you guys."

"Yeah, you to Tay." Juliana couldn't help noticing the knowing grin that wouldn't leave Tayla's face. "Tay? What's going on?"

"Hi, babe!"

"Ahh!" Casey came out from nowhere picking her up. "Casey!" He swung her around. Julz blushed as he put her down.

"Wow, I missed you. Hey, Mack." He smiled over at her.

And so it had begun.

Mackenzie felt her heart beating heavily. She couldn't look him in the eye. "Hey, Cas." She walked past them walking with Tayla.

"Ah what are you doing here?" Juliana asked watching her roommate leave her there. "I thought we were going to catch up tomorrow?"

He swung his arm over her shoulders as they walked. "We were babe but I wanted to surprise you! Surprise!"

"Yeah," Juliana glanced at Mackenzie ahead of her.

Now it was going to get real.

The ride home had been pretty quiet except for Tayla and Casey asking a lot of questions that Julz answered. Mack sat in the front seat trying to ignore the couple in the backseat. She kept her eyes closed most of the way making out she didn't want to be disturbed.

The quicker they got home the better.

As soon as they pulled up the drive Mackenzie was out of the car grabbing her bag out of the boot. "Who's looking after the center?" She directed to Casey.

"Ah, Adam. I said I wouldn't be more than a couple of hours."

She looked at the time. "I'll go give him a break and close up."

"Mack we just got back."

Mackenzie looked over at her for the first time since the airport. "Casey's taken the time off to see you. It's the least I can do."

Casey put his hand on her shoulder. "Hey, thanks, Mack. You're a good friend ya know."

"Yeah, no problem." She picked up her bag and headed inside.

Mackenzie sat down at the center trying to keep herself occupied. She knew it wouldn't happen but she prayed for the miracle that Juliana would just do it and they could all get over this sooner rather than later. She'd seen the looks Casey gave Julz. He really did care about her. They were good friends too. This was going to get messy. They should have waited.

At about six she closed up and made the way home.

Juliana walked in the front door. She was so deep in thought. Casey had taken her out to dinner. But there was just no right time to tell him, to break up with him.

"Hi, guys." She noticed the two heads on the couch starring at the TV. They didn't hear her. That didn't matter. It was Mackenzie she wanted to find. She made her way upstairs to their room. The light was on but Mack wasn't there. She checked the bathroom and Kitchen, still no Mack. She came around the corner to the laundry room seeing her leaning over the tub deep in thought. Julz wanted to wrap her arms around her like she had that morning.

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