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Yj's POV:

today will be our first day working together... we got our own company, but we decided to make a new branch under the name 'HwangShin Corp'. we have bought the land, big enough to make a big building, we hired the most talented architects. I can't wait to see the outcome.

things are going pretty well, I can finally see ryujin's genuine smile after that 'yeonjun thingy' and I am so happy she's back to her old self... but I can tell her nervousness because she will be managing both her bakery/café and the company

"yeddeong should we hire a maid?" ryujin asked me, I was thrown off guard because it was so random

"Why though?"

"then it will be less tiring for the both of us, now that we'll be working and we may rarely be at home and we need someone to clean the house," she said and it kinda makes sense

"yeah sure, but whoever that maid is will not stay in the house, I don't want strangers to live with us, she can come in the morning and go back in the evening, yeah?" I asked

"Great minds think alike," she said and smiles "... I will recruit them" she continued and I nod my head to show my approval


we decided to eat breakfast at ryujin's café and hihi I got free breakfast... not that I can't afford it, who can say no to free food? not me

 not that I can't afford it, who can say no to free food? not me

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we went to our new purchase land and the workers will start their work from today, the inauguration finished and now I am in my office, working on my new tuxedo designs... formal and casual attire... though I said that I didn't have a dream when I was young, I did have a hobby which was drawing but I never thought my hobby will lead me to where I am today

I got a call and it was from ryujin-

"hey yeddeong, wanna have lunch together?"

"yeah sure, I will pick you," I told her

"no need. I invite you for lunch so I'll be the one picking you up today"

I sigh knowing that she'll win I gave up

"Alright fine"



it's 4:00 in the evening and ryujin told me that the maid will be coming at 5:00 so i went home early, to be honest i don't really see the need in hiring a maid but then again it'll make our work easier so i agreed to it...

the door bell rang and i assumed it was the new maid, i opened the door without checking and there stood the one and only person i wanna see at this very moment

"oh you're home early" i said

"yeah, since the maid will be coming, i thought of coming home early so you won't show me your annoyed face for letting you handle this alone" she chuckled and entered the house. she knows me too well

she went straight to the kitchen to grab a glass of water and the doorbell rang again

"good evening miss hwang" a girl greeted me

"good evening, please come in" i said

she seems like a nice girl.

"please take a seat and introduce yourself" i told her, she cleaned her throat

"my name is heo jiwon and i am 22 years old. and umm..." she smirked at me "...i'm single too" she bit her lips


Rj's POV:

i was in the kitchen because i wanna see how yeji will handle this when i heard-

"...i'm single too" what the hell was that, the audacity of this girl, i was angry and i don't even know why. i decided to step out of the kitchen when yeji said-

"you seem straightforward. I like that, i like your attitude..." i suddenly felt a pang in my heart, just what is this? why am i feeling this?

"...but i don't really care whether you're single or not, you're hired by miss shin and not me but i wanna tell you that this should only be about work, nothing else" she continued

and i finally decided to step out

"miss heo, please be professional. we do not entertain this kind of behaviour, i hope this kind of act will not be repeated" i said sternly

"oh my bad, i thought you will be interested" she slyly smiled at yeji and god she's getting on my nerve

"listen here miss heo jiwon, you won't last long here if you continue with this attitude..." i said

"okay" she simply replied and that's it- i just knew that she won't do her work

"get out of here, i don't need you to work here." i said with anger clearly visible in my voice, i opened the front door for her to get out.

"well for your information miss shin, it's not like i was desperate to get a job, you needed me that's why i am here," she said and slyly smiled and turned to yeji, "...and miss hwang, in case you need me, my offer still stands" she smirked and went out. i can't believe i fired her as soon as she entered the house but seriously she deserved it, i don't care anymore

yeji was surprised i guessed,

i turned to her , "yeddeong i'm sorry, i think that was a bad idea, I didn't think about that at all, i'm sorry" i looked down avoiding her eyes

"hey, hey it's fine, it was not your fault at all. she was just stupid? yeah she was" she chuckled

"i think we should drop the idea, yeah we should. i don't think i can leave the house in peace knowing that some random girls will continuously flirt with you"


Yeji's POV:

that one sentence made the butterflies in my stomach alive

"ohh are you jealous?" knowing well she's not, i still decided to tease her a bit

"please," she scoffed and blushed but it quickly faded. did she like me? i don't know? should i test her? probably?

"snap out if it, what are you thinking?" she snapped her finger

"oh i was just planning something" i simply said and now i can tell she's curious "...and don't ask me about it, it's a secret for now" i hushed her and she pouted. she's so cute

"dinner date?" i changed the subject

"sure but you still have to tell me what you planned about"

"time will tell, go get ready, we'll take my car"


a/n: I don't really know how i should continue this😭. I start this ff without any plan in my mind, but please bear with me

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