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Third Person's POV:

Yeji has been courting ryujin for the past month; giving her, her favourite flowers twice a week, making her breakfast every day, dropping and picking her up for work, dinner date every thrice a week, movie nights and a picnic date almost every Sunday

she did all these not just for the sake of it, but with all sincerity. she wanted to show ryujin that she was serious about this relationship, she wanted to show her that she was serious about her

of course, ryujin's aware of her sincerity and she can't be more thankful. she had never doubted yeji's efforts and she felt like the luckiest girl alive

of course, they had their small arguments but not a single argument was left off without them talking about it, and sharing why they were upset and mad.


yeji has been planning on how to ask her out. she has been secretive the whole time because she wanted ryujin to feel special. not that she's not special, but she wanted her to feel extra special

with the help of her family and friends, she made the perfect plan.

she planned to ask her out on the upcoming weekend, just the two of them.


Yj's POV:

I hope she'll like my surprise, I have yet to prepare for a few more other things, although I could ask my friends or families for help, I wanted to prepare most of these myself. I did take some help from our family and friends.

two more days, then we're set to go

"yeddeong? where are you?" ryujin shouted from her room, which by the way is beside my room

"in my room. what. do you need something" I yelled back

she didn't answer and soon later, she was in front of me, "I miss you" she said as she pulled me up from my seat and hugged me

"you're so random, but I miss you too," I said as I hugged her back

"you've been too busy these days, I miss my cuddle buddy," she said and she's right, I have been planning a lot of things for our date this week and I had to attend meetings with the share holders, clients and with the departments

so we haven't seen each other quite often these days, maybe twice? thrice? yeah only that much

"I'm finally free tonight, wanna watch a movie and cuddle?" I asked

she squealed, "finallyyyy, everyone I got back my cuddle buddy" her dramatic ass tho *sigh*


we're currently in the living room with our favourite snacks on standby, binge watching FRIENDS. us cuddling of course

"did you eat your medicine?" I asked her

"yeah? I guess?"


she sigh, "I ate the capsule, but the liquid one was hard to swallow but I drank it"

"good, after you finish that bottle, you won't need that anymore, but you will have to continue and take the iron capsule"

she nodded, "by the way, why were you so busy for the past few days?"

"I had to attend meetings and I had to go to the construction sites too, I'm sorry I didn't have much time for you"

"I'm not complaining, plus you never fail to make me breakfast and not to mention the flowers I received daily, it was enough to replace your absence for the time being," she said and looked at me

she looked back at the screen and a yawn escaped her mouth. cute

"wanna go to bed now?" I asked and she nodded

we went to my room and ryujin went to the bathroom to do her nightly routine and I joined her

and yes these days we're sleeping in my room, funny thing is even when I came home late, I always found ryujin sleeping in my room and not in hers

after finishing our nightly routine, we changed into our pyjamas and without a second thought, ryujin quickly climbed into the bed and left a room for me

I went beside her and lay down, ryujin placed her head on my chest as I hugged her waist

she sighed and said "this is home" and soon fell asleep

she's right, this is home, she's my home



Yj's POV:

it's finally the day. I'm nervous, scared and excited at the same time

the plan was to take ryujin to the said place accompanied by chaeryoung and yuna. ryujin better be dense and hopefully, she won't use her smartass mind today or else the plan will fail

I woke up from bed, took a quick but relaxing shower and head out of the bedroom to the kitchen to prepare breakfast, though I always made her breakfast, I wanted it to be extra special today so I went with Ricotta Crêpes with Honey, Walnuts and Rose with some fruit salads and iced latte which I made it myself.

like every morning, I had to wake her up. these past few days we've been eating breakfast in the dining room but today I decided to bring her breakfast in bed.

I went back to my room with the breakfast tray and I placed them on the side table. I went to her side and placed soft kisses on her forehead, but like a heavy sleeper she is she didn't wake up nor respond,

"ryujin, wake up. time for breakfast" I said as I placed the strands of hair behind her ear

"five more minutes please?"

"Nope, come on get up, you told me you're going out with chaery and yuna. it's already 8, come on get up"

she groaned and get up "can I not go? I wanna stay with you though" she pouted

"you can't ditch them, that won't be very nice. plus we have all the time in the world so go out and have fun, while I finish my work, alright?"

she sighs in defeat, "alright"

"Now, don't get grumpy," I said as I stood up from the bed to bring the breakfast "breakfast for her majesty," I said and placed the breakfast on the small breakfast table that I set up

"Goodness gracious, that looks so good. thank you yeddeong" she gave me her whisker dimpled smile

"you're most welcome, come on let's dig in"


a/n: it's Yeddeong's birthday, errrbody. Plus her aotm reached 40 million🖤🤗

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have a good day/night

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