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Yj's POV:

we kinda tricked ryujin... heh. but don't get me wrong, it's all part of the plan...

I called ryujin's assistant to tell her to meet me in my office, yes the new headquarter is done so ryujin and I mostly spend our time in the new building

"Hey babe, you called me?" ryujin said as she entered my office

"come here" I opened my arms asking for a hug to which ryujin gladly hugged me, I pulled her down and sat her on my lap

"naughty" she smirked and I gave her a quick kiss

"come on, you like this side of me," I said grinning

"Hmm, I'll have to rethink about that."

"meanie" I pouted and she gave me a peck on my lips

"why'd you called me for?" she asked

"right. totally forgot about that. I want you to go to Paris, you're invited to the Fashion Week" I said which is true. the gods must be on my side, I mean how can I get so lucky. I needed to convince her to go to Paris and while I was thinking of how they called me from Paris.

"Really?? what??? no way" she squealed in excitement

"yes way baby, and you'll go there"

"wait what?" she said "me? no, nope. I ain't gonna there myself, if you're not going I'm not going"

"I have workloads to finish here, so you will go and grace the event. you've always wanted to go to Paris right? and now your dream is coming true baby, what's the problem?"

"you not going with me is the problem, I never said I wanted to go to Paris alone,"

"you're not going alone, chaery and yuna will be joining you this trip"

"what about you? are you not invited?"

"I am but I don't think I'll be able to make it, baby. I have works here to finish" I lied, I will too be attending it, and I will propose to her two days before the said event

still wrapping her arms around me, she pouted and gave me a peck

"I don't wanna go, I wanna go there with you. just take a leave or something, you're the boss, one word from you and they'll listen to you"

"how about this?? I'll take you to India this Christmas? to make it up to you?" I asked her and her eyes lit up

"you got yourself a deal, miss Hwang"

well that was easy


today is finally the day for ryujin to go to Paris, I'll be joining her but will take a different flight which is later at midnight, ryujin's flight's at 9 pm. she's not aware of me joining her. the plan to propose to her is tomorrow,

I asked chaery and lia to join ryujin and they gladly took a week off, same with lia to support us... I'm just so thankful to have great friends like them. and oh don't worry about our families, because they already arrived yesterday

we're currently at the airport, dropping off ryujin, chaeryeong and yuna

"Stop sulking, you're making it hard for me to not drop everything and come with you," I said

"that's the plan. the offer still stands you know? drop all the work and join me" she smiled

"nope. ain't buying it" I told her "we will see each other very soon, now don't be a big baby and go enjoy your trip"

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