Chapter One

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"I'm done with your nonsense!" Dad yelled in yet another one of our arguments, "You will be going to this school, leaning some discipline and becoming a good, well trained person for this world!"

I glare at him with disgust.

"What the fuck!? No! Why the fuck are you pushing me away to a whole other place! What just so you can fuck your new chick! Don't worry I already hear you both so none of it's a secret dad!" I shout.

He clenches his jaw, moving his head slowly side to side. "You're constantly in a mood. Always fucking off somewhere else, having to pick you up from the cop station, multiply times! Throwing parties at the house, getting wasted and ruining the place, being out late into the morning doing god knows what! And yes I'll admit when I was younger I was a little like you, hanging out with people far worse than yourself, Ken was one of those people, now look at him! Forced to in role in this 'fuckhead of a school', now he has a boyfriend, he's kind, he doesn't drink, doesn't smoke, doesn't swear as much, he's kind, and good to this world, he's someone people would want to have in there lives, but you... if you keep going where your going you'll end up with people that only want you around when they want things or when their high as a kite! So you're going and that's final." He declared.

A smile places it's self upon my lips, a small laugh slipping out. "No I'm not. And that's final."

I have no idea why I laugh when I argue, whether it be because I'm trying not to ball my eyes out, I have no idea, but I know after a few more minutes my voice will start to brake, then I can't stop it, and no way in hell will I let my father see that, so I have to try and quickly end this, with me winning the argument.

"Well you're in for a big surprise boy."

I shake my head, not daring to say a word, for my voice will no doubt break.

Still smiling, rage in my eyes and shaking my head, I turn around, my back on my father, walking away to my room, tears pooling my vision like I knew they would.

I slam the door behind me, knowing my dad probable put his head in his hand for a second before sighing and walking off in the other direction, to do whatever he wants too...

I sniff before scrubbing my hands up and down my face, than lightly slapping my cheeks, before sitting down onto my bed.

I could always run away. But to where? I don't really have a true best friend, out of all the shitty people I'm around I had to pick one that wasn't as bad as the others and basically say that's my best mate, even though I'd probably drop them as soon as someone else arrived that's better.

However I can't stay here.

I stand turning around in my room trying to find the things I wanted.

I pack some clothes in my backpack, two shirts, two pants, 2 boxers, accentual stuff.

Walking towards my window, slowly unlocking the latch, as I do most nights, this time it doesn't budge. My face scrunches up in confusion, I look at the lock, there doesn't seem to be anything wrong with it, however the window refuses to move. I place my weight against it carefully, still no movement, I smash my shoulder into the fucking thing and still it doesn't give out.

So now dad's fucked with my window. Great! I love everything! This has been an amazing day!

. I can't wait till this life is over.

I throw my bag at the wall, slamming myself down onto my bed again, angrily untangling the cord of the head phones which only put me in a worse mood, finally fixing it before pressing onto one of my playlists, the volume up loud, staring at the ceiling in anger, after a few minutes staring at the ceiling with blankness with a touch of sadness.

I didn't want to go, what about my little brother? who'd look after him, yeah sure I'm not always there for him but dad sure as hell ain't, I'm the best he has, he has no friends and we don't really know about our family and who's in it, so what dads just going to take me away from him.

Nope, not gonna happen.

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