Chapter 2

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Sunlight glaring into my eyes from the window wakes me, I glare at it already in a shitty mood, remembering yesterday, and burying myself back under my sheets.

Until yet again I wake, this time to knocking, a continuous tapping, I stornch over towards the door, blowing it open, looking into the eyes of my father, I glare.

He sighs again, seems to be the only thing he actually sticks with, before saying, "Pack your stuff into your suitcase, we'll be leaving at 12, so you have an hour and a half to get ready."

"I'm not fucking going."

He groans, rolling his eyes slightly. "Yes you are, either you pack and arrive with things, or you don't pack and the school gets to pick your clothing, either way it doesn't bother me, because it's not my problem." He walks off, leaving me standing in there in rage.

I'm not packing.

This is so unfair! I haven't done anything that bad that deserves this, I should only be forced to leave if I've killed someone at least and I haven't! What about my brother, why doesn't he get into trouble!

Why do I have to go to some shitty boys school, why can't I just leave the house or something?

Dads probably just overacting, I'll be back once he realizes his other son is annoying and he can't look after him himself, and how boring and quiet this house will be, but still, I'm not going willing.

Their going to have to drag my ass out.

a small knock sounds,before the handle turns without my permission however I let it slide since I like the person that walks in.

my little brother sits himself down next to me, lying down next to me, looking at my face with sad eyes.

Small pounds of guilt enter me. I'll be leaving him all alone here, with whoever enters this house will be able to get to him, I wont be able to protect him.

He'll be all alone, he'll have no one to talk to, no one to confide in, no one to help him with his nightmares.

I'm being forced to leave him. Maybe that's a good thing, I'm probably not the best influence but I'm the only one he has.

"When are you leaving?" He whispers.

"What you on about?" I smile. "I'm not going anywhere."

He tilts his head to his shoulder, raising one eyebrow, giving me bored eyes. A small laugh escapes me at his expression. He's dumb but not always stupid.

"You are leaving..." Kaiden gloomily spoke.

"Not without a fight." I smiled.

"Leo. You can't. It'll only make things worse and more annoying for dad and everyone." He stated matter-of-factly.

"Maybe that's why I'm doing it."

Kaiden gives me the parental 'no' eyes before moving closer and lying onto my chest, arms rapped around me, giving me a hug I can tell he doesn't want to let go of.

"....I don't want you to leave... but you have to."

"No I don't and I'll always be here for you, I'll run away from the school and always come back to help you."

"No... Want me to help you pack?"

"Nah, I'm all good Bug."

He looks up at my face, "I'm gonna miss you Leo." His heartbroken eyes piecing my heart.

He lifts himself up, walking out the door, taking one look back before closing the door and walking off.

I'm stuck there in shock, what have I done.

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