Chapter 8

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James walks directly up to me, I turn my head away from him, trying to indicate the silent treatment.

"Get out of my seat right now Leo." He growls.

I sigh and roll my eyes, before lifting myself up from the chair.

"Now sit down beside me." James points down to the ground where a small pillow lies.

I glare back at James, before looking around the area, my eye catching the view of chairs like the others placed in front of the desk.

I make my way towards them, lifting one out from the stack, walking back towards James and the stranger, who's watching my movements and having a small conversation with James.

I kick the kneeling cushion to the side before plonking my chair down beside James's.

I seat myself as James watches my movements with a stern look, after I've made myself comfortable he lowers himself down on my original seat.

"I heard of your little stunt today." James inquires.

"I did nothing wrong."

"We'll discuss this later." He states continuing to look at the person seated in front of us.

"Well." The man claps his hands together. "Lets get started then. My name is Mr Vasquez, I'll be helping you both with personal preferences, mainly during scenes, emotions you may feel, whether that be anger or love, different situations in which could occur. In simpler form I'm basically a counselor for the both of you, although today we will be focusing our attention on the contract to do with scenes. This involves what you wish to try, what you are comfortable with, what you are not comfortable with, et cetera. It helps you both to understand what are one anothers boundaries and what one of you may be into trying. These contracts will be reviewed fortnightly, helping for new boundaries to be placed, and conversations to occur that you may not feel comfortable saying by yourself. I'm sure you've already been told what scenes are from your class?" Mr Vasquez asks, his eyes piercing straight into mine.

"Be serious, do you actually think that class taught me anything."

Mr Vasquez chuckles as he shakes his head gently.

"I see your always placed with the rebelouse type Mr Parker"

"It seems so. Nothing I'm not used to though." James reply's.

Mr Vasquez smiles sympathetically, before turning his attention back to me.

"To continue with this meeting I am going to give you some sheets of paper with all different sexual preferences for you to choose from, they can be ones you just want to try once or ones you wish to continuously do. He starts shuffling through his draws, producing two stacks of papers with lists of words written on the left side of them, handing one to James and finally one to me, along with handing us both pens to write and circle with.

"There is no shame in anything you choose, do not at any time feel embarrassed or ashamed, I know your Dom will be proud of you for expressing honestly on your wants. All you must do is circle the ones you are interested in and at the end of the lists there is a blank area titled Others that you can write ones that have been missed, or not commonly known. You must circle a minimum of six.

I look down at the paper, cautiously starting to read this ridiculous contract.

When indicating your interests, please select yes for the activities you would like to pursue. If you have any boundaries or limits, please provide them. However, if there are any activities you do not wish to pursue, simply write no. Its important to note that at this school, there is no judgment or shame regarding personal preferences or kinks.

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