Chapter 40

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I was going out of my mind with worry. With everything that had happened yesterday, what she had lost. What we, I, put her through lately. It didn't matter that it had to be done. It didn't matter, it was to protect her. Dammit I still feel sick thinking about how she looked at me those times. How I couldn't tell her it was all part of the plan and nothing was real. The nightmares I had when I thought we finally broke her. Hell even my dad had to use his Alpha command on me so I wouldn't screw it all up and just tell her everything. He said it was the consequences for our choices. I know he was right. He was pissed on how we decided to do things. But we were too close to figuring everything out by then and if I had put her through that shit for nothing he would have kicked my ass. But dammit we still don't have solid proof.

"Corey stop pacing, you're making me dizzy." Anthony grumbled from the chair. We were all sitting in the Alpha's office where we knew no one could overhear our conversation. Everyone was here except the Alpha. He needed his time with his mate now. I couldn't even imagine losing my pup. Even though Jenson lost his way he was still his son. But it wasn't just him that wasn't in attendance. We were also missing Tony and Jenson. Unfortunately I was used to losing people but that didn't mean it didn't hurt any less.

"Where is she? Is she ok? Has anyone seen her today or even late last night? The last time I saw her she was by her dad's pyre." Yeah, I was losing my mind here and they all looked so damn calm.

"She's in her room. Or was the last time I checked before coming here. She was fine last night. Somehow she picked up a protector of sorts." Ant said as he stared straight ahead with confusion written all over his face.

"'Protection of sorts'? Want to explain that to me Anthony? This is my niece we are talking about and for some damn reason trouble finds her without her looking for it." Thomas looked exhausted but the topic of Mac's "protector of sorts" seemed to chase some of the tiredness away.

Ant sighed as he rubbed the back of his neck. Great, I was not going to like what he was about to say at all. Letting out an amused chuckle with a shake of his head before agreeing with Thomas. "That she does Thomas, that she does. I followed her last night just to keep an eye on her to see how she was holding up. I was letting her sit alone for a while because we all know what she is like with her alone time. Anyways before I could do anything the future King of the High Kingdom popped up out of nowhere. The way they spoke to each other I knew they had already met. Anyways I have a feeling he will be around for a while. Supposedly she has something of his. I am pretty sure she doesn't have a clue what he is talking about though. But I really don't think he has any ill intentions towards her. He really seems like he will be around for extra protection."

And there started my pacing again. I had stopped as the others started talking, but with this news just spiked my worry. I swear how can one girl find herself in so much trouble? Not that any of it was her fault at all but dammit.

"Oh, one other thing. The Prince told her she has a Moon Bond, not that she has a clue what that is. Hell a lot of wolves don't since it doesn't happen often. But our girl Mac was given a second chance mate." A smile rose on his face as he looked at Thomas who was also smiling. I understood they were happy but my heart dropped.

My pacing stopped mid stride. The news of her finding her Moon Bond or will find them soon made me sick. I was going to lose the girl I was in love with. I think I started to fall in love with her the first time I saw her. I knew she was different. She was strong and a fighter. A protector. Someone that would give her life for those she cares about. A born leader. A perfect Luna in my opinion. "I need some air." I mumbled while speed walking out of the office and ignoring the calls of my brother.

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