chapter five

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Being the captain of a sports team is an indescribable feeling.

You're the face of the team, the one who's looked at the most, the one that players look to for help, and the one who sets the example for everyone else.

I was never really captain when I played for District Five and Team USA at the Goodwill Games, but everyone basically treated me like I was.

That's why I got so mad when Orion stripped me of my C last season, because something that I'd worked so hard for and waited so long to get was taken away from me.

Our first game is today, and I have a lot to do. I just finished my meeting with Orion, who had me at the rink at seven a.m. sharp. We discuss game plans, then hang everyone's jersey in their lockers. We also put the bags filled with merch and our letterman jackets outside the locker room, that way everyone can pick them up during lunch.

The school is buzzing as I walk in, the talks of the games this week filling the hallway. Girls soccer and us today, boys soccer and field hockey tomorrow, and football on Friday night. Talk about a busy week for Eden Hall sports.

I say hey to a few people in the hallway as I walk to my locker, and catch Adam just as he is leaving for class. "Yo Banksie!"

He turns around and smiles upon seeing me, and I notice his very causal outfit. A black "Eden Hall Hockey" t-shirt, some shorts, and slides.

"Shouldn't you be a little more dressed up for game day?" I ask, looking down at my suit and dress shoes.

"My suit's in my locker." he responds nonchalantly, nodding his head in that direction. "I didn't really feel like putting it on this early."

On varsity, we're required to wear suits on game days. Julie and Connie wear dresses, but I'm sure they could wear a suit if they wanted to.

I go to respond but the bell rings, signaling the start of first period. I have a pass with me from Orion, so I can technically be as late as I want.

I look back at Adam, who has started backing up towards the stairs. He notices the unamused look on my face and smirks. "I'll have it on by lunch captain!"

"You better." I call with a grin, before turning around and walking down the hallway to history.

The morning goes by pretty quickly, nothing too interested happens. And as promised, Adam has his suit on by lunch. I don't know when or how he got the time to change into it, but he has it on and that's what matters. I don't get in trouble, and he gets to enjoy all of Ella's staring.

When everyone has sat down and settled in, I stand up from my seat and clap my hands together. "Alright guys, follow me. I have stuff for you."

Everyone's faces light up, well except for Adam, the juniors, and the seniors, because they already know what is coming. I lead them to the locker room hallway, where the bags that are labeled with their names and filled to the brim with merch are waiting for them. Julie and Connie squeal with joy, while everyone else smiles to themselves and walks over to check out their new gear.

Ten minutes later, the stuff is all put away and we've all gone back to the dining hall. I try to ignore all of the staring, because I know it might mess with my mind. I already have enough pressure on me as it is. I don't need any more.

The rest of my day is honestly pretty good, even though I learn about my first exams next week. When the final bell rings, I meet up with Luis and Kenny and walk to the locker room to change. We're all going to watch the soccer game, so we're changing into sweatshirts, shorts, and sneakers. No way I'm sitting through forty minutes of soccer in a suit.

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