chapter twelve

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Once again, I know that it looks like I was ignoring Sadie, but I really wasn't.

Being captain just takes up so much of my time, and sometimes I do forget about the things that matter most to me. I know that's no excuse, but I just feel like I should explain.

After Sadie confronted me in the hallway, I felt really shitty. She's always there for me, no matter what, and I wasn't there for her when she needed me. I know walking someone to class seems like a basic thing to do, but it means a lot to Sadie. People give her a lot of shit for being with me, but they usually don't say anything when I'm around, which is a huge comfort for her.

I know our anniversary is soon, or at least I think it is, so I decide that I'm going to try and change for her. I can't lose her.

First order of business is going to the showdown. Everyone goes, so it may not seem like a big deal, but hopefully me showing my support for her will help her change her mind about me being a bad boyfriend.

I run to the locker room and grab a sweatshirt before meeting up with Adam and Dean. As we're walking out to the bleachers, Dean starts asking about me and Sadie.

"So bro, is she mad?"

I sigh sadly. "Yeah. I didn't walk her to class this morning, and she took it harder than I thought. I didn't realize her anxiety about being talked about has gotten this bad."

"Jeez." he says quietly. "You gotta start being there every day dude, or it's only going to get worse."

"Have you thought about what you're getting her for Monday yet?" Adam chimes in.

I turn to him with confusion. "What's Monday again?"

"Your anniversary..." he says disappointedly. "Don't tell me you actually forgot Conway."

Shit. I did.

"Oh yeah right. I didn't forget, trust me. I'm just exhausted right now." I lie, hoping they'll believe me.

"Sure, whatever you say." Adam replies, clearly not buying anything that I just said.

I run my fingers through my hair stressfully and blow out a big huff of air. "I'm not good at this guys. I've never had a girlfriend before and I don't even know what to get her."

"Well for starters, don't forget." Dean jokes, which makes me roll my eyes at him in annoyance.

"Noted dumbass. Anything else?"

"Buy her something meaningful." Adam says as he runs his hand through his hair. "It doesn't have to be anything huge, but it should be something that you know she likes and will appreciate. Maybe something like a piece of jewelry or a teddy bear, you know? Oh, and flowers are good too."

I smile at Adam as a thanks and make sure I mentally note everything in my head. Buy her a meaningful gift, post something on social media because I know she will and I should do the same, make sure she feels loved and appreciated, and most importantly, don't forget.

I think I got this.

Or at least I hope I do.


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