chapter twenty five

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This Thanksgiving break has definitely not been as exciting as I wanted it to be.

Instead of being in Florida with my mom, my girlfriend, and her family, I'm stuck at home doing absolutely nothing.

Don't get me wrong, I'm extremely thankful to be with my mom and getting to spend time with her. I just wish I had something like a vacation to look forward to. I rarely travel, and Florida was going to be the first time in years that I've gone away. I think that's what's upsetting about this whole thing.

Pretty much all I've done this week is prepare for the game, which is a very good thing. I need to get all the practice I can get if I'm going to captain my team to a state championship. I refuse to be the captain who's team breaks the eleven year streak.

Luckily, all my friends haven't gone away for Thanksgiving break, and I'm able to hang out with Guy today. It's hard to believe that Thanksgiving is tomorrow. I feel like the year has flown by, and before I know it, it'll be Christmas.

Guy comes over to my house just around noon, and we immediately go straight to the rink. Why we didn't just decide to meet at the rink, I don't know. Sometimes we're stupid like that.

We end up spending the entire afternoon here. One of the best things to do is crash the free skate and skate laps around all of the people. Not much else happened, other than when Guy decided to skate way too fast and ended up flying ten feet forward, landing on his stomach as a result. He's always been a good skater, but things like that are always laugh worthy.

When I get back to my house, my mom immediately sits me on the couch. I'm suddenly alert of everything going on around me, because she doesn't usually do this.

"Charlie, there's someone here that wants to see you." she says nervously. My shoulders tense, because my immediate thought is that she has a new boyfriend. However, it's not some guy who walks into the living room.

It's my dad's mom.

I state at the older woman who approaches me with open arms, and it takes everything in me not to turn towards the door and run for my life. I haven't seen my grandmother in years, and I've been perfectly fine with keeping it that way.

I fake a smile and hug her, because my mother is looking at me like she's going to slice my head off. I like having my head attached to me, so I decide to behave. "Hi Nanny. Nice to see you."

"My Charlie, oh how I've missed you." I hear her say into me. I'm a lot taller than her, which is strange considering I get my height from my dad. Either way, I'm creeped out.

She finally lets me go and pulls me towards the couch, motioning me to sit with her. I really have no choice, so I just decide to go with it. Every time she speaks, I want to slam my head against a wall. I really don't think she understands the hatred I have for her.

Doesn't she realize that if it weren't for her, my dad wouldn't have suddenly decided to pack up and leave one day? She knows exactly what she did, and I can't wrap my head around the fact that she's here right now.

Finally, she decides that she's talked enough and leaves me and my mom alone in the living room. As soon as I don't hear her footsteps anymore, I turn to my mom in utter shock. "Mom, what the hell is she doing here?"

"Charlie, just hear me out..." she starts, but I don't let her get any other words in. "No Mom, I won't hear you out on this. She's the reason why Dad left! Have you forgotten? Because I sure as hell haven't. She ruined my life by taking my dad away. He wants nothing to do with me, and it's all her fault. Why would you ever invite her here?"

"Charlie." my mother snaps, and I shut my mouth immediately. "I invited her here for Thanksgiving because she wanted to see you."

"She hasn't made an effort to see me for the past seven years." I interrupt angrily. "Why now? Doesn't she realize I want nothing to do with her?"

"She says she's realized her mistake, and she wants to start over so she have a relationship with you." my mother explains as I cross my arms in frustration. "I know it's hard Charlie, believe me. You have no idea how much shock I felt when I opened the door earlier today when you were at the rink with Guy and saw her standing there. I almost shut the door in her face. But, she apologized for everything and claims she wants to start over. Just give her a chance."

I glare at my mom, angry about what she's making me do. Maybe I'm being selfish by not wanting to forgive my grandmother, but I don't care. She's hurt me in too many ways.

"Will Grandma at least be coming tomorrow?" I ask hopefully.

"She wouldn't miss Thanksgiving with her only grandson for the world." my mom reassures me with a smile.

Hearing that makes me feel a lot better about this whole situation. Knowing that my grandma will be here to keep me sane is the best news I've gotten in a long time.

"Fine." I say with a sigh. "I'll give her a chance. But only one. I only have so much respect left for her."

"That's my boy!" my mom responds, giving me a hug. I hold her tight and tell myself that I'll be okay, no matter what tricks my grandmother is trying to pull on us.


Surprisingly, Thanksgiving dinner has not been as torturous as I thought it was going to be.

Nanny has been surprisingly pleasant for the most part, only annoying me when she constantly makes a comment on how much I've grown or how much I resemble my mother.

I think one of the best things that could've happened to me is the fact that I look more like my mom than my dad. I would never, ever show my face if I looked like that man.

Grandma brings her famous pumpkin pie like she always does, and the four of us have a peaceful and civil meal. I have to stay in shape for our game next Friday, so you think I wouldn't be overeating. However, Grandma's pie is too good that I can't help having two extra big pieces of it.

Oh well.

After dinner, I asked to be excused so I can call Sadie. A lot of me doesn't expect her to answer, and I hate to admit that I'm shocked when she does. She almost looks nervous, and I can't lie, it's freaking me out a bit.

"Hi Charlie! What's up?" she asks cheerfully. It's hard to hear her over her crazy loud family, but I'm just grateful to hear her voice.

"Not much." I respond casually. "Are you okay? You look nervous for some reason."

Her face drops, which makes my stomach drop. What is going on?

"No, I'm good." she says, laughing it off like nothing's wrong. "How has your Thanksgiving been?"

I shrug. "It's been alright. How about yours?"

"Crazy." she admits, and I can't help but laugh.

"I think I like having a small family." I'm able to say through my laughs, which makes Sadie laugh too.

She walks into another room, and suddenly everything becomes quieter. "It's definitely nuts, but it's so fun."

Neither of us say anything for a second and there's definitely a tense vibe, even though we're talking on the phone. I really don't know what's been going on and why she's been so distant. I gave her the space she needed, so why is she still so awkward with me?"

"Listen, I'm gonna go." I mumble. "My mom wants me to spend time with my nanny, who just randomly showed up after seven years."

"Oh, have fun." she responds quietly. "Happy Thanksgiving Charlie."

"Happy Thanksgiving Sade."

I go to say "I love you", but she hangs up the call before I get the chance to say anything.

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