Chapter 1- Why? -Jimmy

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----3rd person----

It's been a few days since the choosing of the boogeyman, but no one had turned, and he was sure neither him or Scott was it. Scott wouldn't lie to him like that, would he?

Would he?

Jimmy hummed along to the music playing in his airpods, carefree. The door swung open with a bang, making him jump.

"Oh, Scott! Hi... wait..." Jimmy observed the man in front of him. He was covered in blood, sword out, panting. He was grimacing at Jimmy, uttering strange words.


And with those words, Scott struck Jimmy, talking him to only half a heart. "SCOTT! S...S...stop. PLEASE! WHY-"

Jimmy awoke to his head pounding, drenched in sweat. He could hear Scott rushing toward the door. "JIMMY? Oh thank god. I heard you screaming... I... Oh... What happened?"

"I just had a... nightmare. I'm fine." He turned over and lay his head on his pillow, not wanting to look at Scott, as images of his sword flashed in his head.

"Okay.. I guess."

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