Chapter 4- The one and only- Jimmy

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"Well, if it ain't the one and only Jimmy!" cried a voice from the forest. I stand up, confused, and look around. It didn’t sound like Scott, which I definitely am not hoping it is. (Maybe that's a lie.) Striding swiftly, a figure rose out from the trees, smirking. It was Grian!

"Just leave, Grian. I don't want your trades."

"Oh, but you do."

"I really don't."

"You do." Grian was taunting me, "Oh! Where's little Smajor?"

"Stop." I grumbled through gritted teeth.


"He's at home. Please, leave."

Grian pulled out a sword. "But why would I do that?" He grinned, raising the sword to my chin, "Hmm?"

Suddenly, Grian struck. And someone struck back, with an arrow to his head, making him stumble back.

"If you want to live," ,cried the hidden archer, "...RUN."

Flower Husbands AU 🌼🌺🥀Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora