Chapter 3- We're Wilting- Jimmy

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"What is wrong with me! It's just a dream!" I scream to myself. But it didn't feel like a dream. It felt so real. Like a vision. I need to get it together, or... we'll break. I try to think happy thoughts, but all I hear is Scott screaming goodbye, over and over, swinging his blade at me. The pain, the fear, its all to much. I slam down my fists. He just loves you, and you're abusing him. You're terrible. I want to go and apologise, but as I stand up, the dream replays, over and over. I have to push through. I have to face this.

I open the door, and stumble weakly out into the flowers. Scott is lying in the flowers, tears silently falling down his cheeks. "I..." I tried to stutter an apology but was cut of as Scott jumped up and pulled me into a hug. I gasped, the air in my chest bubbling up and pushed him hard, causing him to fall onto the ground head-first. I stared at my hands. Why am I doing this?! We're wilting because of me!

I ran into the forest, Scott calling out, "Jimmy!"

Flower Husbands AU 🌼🌺🥀Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat